Home » » MAMA DRAMA: Judge RULES "Sherri Shepherd...You ARE The Mother (Of The Baby Boy Born Via Surrogate)

MAMA DRAMA: Judge RULES "Sherri Shepherd...You ARE The Mother (Of The Baby Boy Born Via Surrogate)

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We've learned that Sherri Shepherd lost her legal battle and will be listed as the mother of the son she and her ex-husband delivered via surrogate.  More inside...

It's a good thing Sherri Shepherd spent a few days on Tom Joyner's Fantastic Voyage, because she was delivered some crushing news today.

Today, PEOPLE reports that Sherri is now officially listed as the mother of the 8-month-old son (Lamar Sally Jr.) she delivered with her ex-husband.

"It's bittersweet...I'm glad it's over, but I feel sad what it had to come to. Now I can go back to L.A. and tend to my son," said Lamar Sally Sr to PEOPLE.  Yep, he conveniently had a statement readily available for the media.

While Sherri had a change of heart about the baby (once her marriage went south), and was quite vocal about this being Sal's baby and not hers, a lawyer for the child introduced video clips showing Sherri being very receptive to the surrogate's pregnancy.

"There was some additional evidence put on the record involving some video clips involving Ms. Shepherd," said Craig Bluestein, a legal representative for the baby,

He cited a clip of Sherri "expressing excitement over her and Lamar going to have a baby through the help of a surrogate carrier with no genetic connection."

The lawyer added, "I feel very good. I think little LJ, who is not yet 1 year old, needed some protection. Justice was served today."

Back to Lamar Sr.......he's still pissy about the way the public views him. He told TMZ,

"I want her to go on television and apologize the same way that she went on there and accused me of being a gold digger and tricking her into having a baby."

SMH....we don't see that happening.  Especially since he has already been painted as a bitter ex-husband who is trying to squeeze alimony AND child support out of Sherri.

Meanwhile....back in Harlem, Sherri and her son Jeffrey are having a lovely day (in spite of the ruling). She just posted the pic atop with the caption, "In Harlem w Jeffrey @CornerSocialNY restaurant celebrating our pre-birthday. This little one born at 5 mos 1lb 10 oz and almost dying almost took me out - I never thought I would smile again but God is amazing... He has a purpose and a plan - if I can make it thru almost losing my child then NOTHING can be worse than that. Surviving is in my DNA! #keepsmiling"

We're happy Sherri has a "survivor" attitude because the battle isn't over.  She and Lamar will still need to meet in front of a judge in L.A. to sort out the child support issue. Lamar wants her to help take care of the child and of course, we don't ever recall him having a job while they were married. So.....



Photos via Sherri's Instagram

source: theybf

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