Home » » CONFESSIONS: Brandy Thought Her Career Was Over & Washed Up + Michelle Williams Stole Her Dad's Car Back In The Day....And Totaled It!

CONFESSIONS: Brandy Thought Her Career Was Over & Washed Up + Michelle Williams Stole Her Dad's Car Back In The Day....And Totaled It!

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Singers Brandy & Michelle Williams both appeared on the "Meredith Vieira" today where they each made shocking revelations. Find out what Brandy said about her career and get the deets on Michelle's troublesome childhood inside.

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Grammy-winning singer Brandy kicked off her stint as Roxie Hart in the Broadway production of "Chicago" recently, and she stopped by The Meredith Viera show to dish on how well the show is going and her upcoming projects.  During the chat, Brandy opened up to the audience about feeling "washed up" and like her career was over. 

Meredith: I was so interested when I read you had once said about this time in your life that you feel that your life has started again what do you mean by that?
Brandy: It’s just a new experience. I feel that I am dreaming again. I feel the child in me is awake and I can set a great example for my 12 year old daughter. She saw the show and thought it was so great. That was her mom up there and she’s dreaming. I am so happy. I can’t even contain it. It’s so crazy.
Meredith: It’s so great especially when you go through a period in your life when you start to doubt yourself.
Brandy: Yes, I doubted myself a lot I thought it was over for me. I really started to believe the negative thoughts, 'You’re a has been, washed up, nobody is believing in you anymore.' It was really me, I didn’t believe.


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Meredith also asked Brandy about possibly appearing on "Empire" and the songstress said she'd LOVE to appear on the show and sing.

Meredith: I am hearing rumors about you and Empire. I am hearing rumors big time.
Brandy: Oh my God. I’m hearing them too and you know what I would love to be a part of Empire in some kind of way. I’ve hung out with Mr. Daniels. We’ve gone out for tea so we might as well just get on set and work.
Meredith: Okay but have you said. I’m him role play.
Brandy: Mr. Daniels it’s about that time. It’s about that time… I’m ready, I’m wiling and I’m able. I’ve been practicing.
Meredith: Do you want to be you or do you want to play a character?
Brandy: I want to be me on Empire because I want to sing, I want to do music as myself.



Also on "Meredith".....

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Michelle Williams joined the show to discuss her "bad" girl side. The Stellar Award Winner revealed that she got into a lot of trouble growing up in Rockford, IL and she even stole her Dad's car. Tenitra Michelle Williams was a wild child! Shocker!

Michelle: I was a terror growing up. Yes, me. I set fires, I stole my father’s car and totaled it. I should have been in jail because I stole his car.
Meredith: So what turned you around?
Michelle: Oh my goodness, just as I got older. Spankings didn’t work for me, none of that worked for me. What worked for me was isolation and time out, well not time out but sticking my nose up against the wall for hours while the kids got to play outside. To write 200 sentences, 'I will not write on the wall with crayon.’ I was horrible growing up. People would say, ‘Oh my God T is coming close the curtains.'


Photo via Paramount

source: theybf

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