Home » » Rihanna Partied With Drake Last Night....AND Leonardo Dicaprio?!

Rihanna Partied With Drake Last Night....AND Leonardo Dicaprio?!

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Well what do we have here?  Rihanna and Drake partying together again...and leaving the club together? Oh, and Leonardo DiCaprio partied with them too?  Interesting.  Pics and deets inside...

Drake jetted into NYC late last night and his first stop was his private party at a nightclub supposedly called The Game in NYC.

The former homie-lover-friends were spotted leaving together...both rocking their Timbs.  You can see the same security team (rocking the Iron Mike tees) escorting both stars out one after the other.  So it appears these two may have ended up in the same car and same place after the party....

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Also at the party was Leonardo DiCaprio, according to photographer sources, Rihanna's other rumored boo.  He wasn't pictured, but Tyson Beckford was:

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Did he ride a bike to the party?  Interesting.


source: theybf

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