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VIDEO: Tom Brady Responds To New Cheating Allegations #deflategate

Wondering what Tom Brady thinks about investigators saying he basically bribed ball attendants to deflate of their teams balls? He was asked yesterday. Check out what he had to say...

Tom Brady smiled and laughed. He worked the raucous crowd that came to hear him speak.
But when Brady was asked to comment on the "Deflategate" scandal and the recently released report that said it was likely he knew New England Patriots staffers were altering footballs outside NFL rules, the four-time Super Bowl winner dodged. 
"I don't have really any reaction," he told sports reporter Jim Gray, who asked Brady a few questions before the Patriots' star quarterback spoke at Salem State University in Massachusetts.
"Our owner commented on it yesterday. It's only been 30 hours so I haven't had much time to digest it fully but when I do I'll be sure to let you know how I feel about it," he said to loud cheers.
He added he hopes he will be able to address the issue more fully soon. 
"There's still a (NFL disciplinary) process that's going forth right now, and I'm involved in that process, whenever it happens it happens, and I'll certainly want to be very comfortable in how I feel about the statements that I make," he told Gray, who asked Brady a series of questions before the quarterback spoke to 4,000 people, many of whom chanted "M-V-P! M-V-P" before the program began. 
Brady said the controversy has "absolutely not" detracted from the joy of winning the Super Bowl, and said he's thankful for the support of his teammates and family.
"We'll get through it," he said.

Do you think Tom Brady had anything to do with deflating the balls?

via talkofthetown411

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