Home » » Miss Black Texas Was Called ‘Black B*tch’ By Police Chief, She Wants Him FIRED For ‘Wrongful Arrest’ + Apple Hires Denise Young As 1st Diversity Officer

Miss Black Texas Was Called ‘Black B*tch’ By Police Chief, She Wants Him FIRED For ‘Wrongful Arrest’ + Apple Hires Denise Young As 1st Diversity Officer

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Miss Black Texas claims she was wrongfully arrested and the police chief berated her by calling her a “black b*tch.” Oh hell no.  Get the deets, plus find out how Apple is trying to make strides in diversity inside…

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Miss Black Texas Carmen Ponder is using her platform to blast who is supposed to be a community leader.  She claims she was wrongfully arrested by a North Texas police chief who she said called her a “black b*tch.” After an encounter with Police Chief Kerry Crews, she said she was unlawfully detained and arrested after passing his 14-year-old daughter on the road.

The Texas A&M University graduate detailed the encounter in a lengthy Twitter post claiming she experienced racist road rage from the police chief in Commerce, Texas. She said she noticed the car in front of her driving erratically, so she decided to pass the vehicle.

When she made it to her destination (Wal-Mart) she realized the car she passed had followed her to the store. Crews, who had not identified himself as a police officer, yelled at Carmen for passing his daughter. She told him it was illegal to let his 14-year-old daughter drive and that’s when he allegedly responded, “Whatever, you black b*tch.”


When Carmen was leaving the Wal-Mart, the police chief, his daughter and another man were waiting for her.

One of the men reportedly informed Carmen that Crews is a police chief and that she should apologize. She declined to offer up an apology and began walking to her car. The man allegedly grabbed her and told her she was being detained.

Police arrived on the scene, but the man who grabbed her said she was resisting arrest and told the officers to arrest her. She was arrested and detained for about 24 hours. Carmen was later released and still faced a charge for evading arrest.

Now, she’s calling for the City of Commerce to fire the police chief.

The city manager says Crews has been placed on leave during the investigation into the matter.

We can all guess how this may end.


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Apple, who has received much criticism for its lack of company diversity, just hired its first "diversity officer." Denise Young is Apple’s new Vice President of Worldwide Human Resources and it’s the first ever at the company. She’ll be responsible for attracting and retaining top talent at Apple and she reports directly to CEO Tim Cook.

According to Apple, Denise previously served as head of worldwide human resources at Apple for three years, and has been involved in diversity programs at Apple for years. For over 10 years, she sat on the leadership team that built Apple’s retail organization, which now welcomes more than one million people every day.

We'll see if actual diversity throughout the company actually happens.  Nice move in the meantime.

Photos: Carmen's Twitter/Apple

source: theybf

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