Home » » Mo’Nique Reads Adrienne Bailon For Calling Her ‘Loud & Negative’ + Mo Explains WHY She Popped Off On Oprah, Lee Daniels & Tyler Perry

Mo’Nique Reads Adrienne Bailon For Calling Her ‘Loud & Negative’ + Mo Explains WHY She Popped Off On Oprah, Lee Daniels & Tyler Perry

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Adrienne Bailon served up her opinion about Mo’Nique’s tirade against Oprah, Lee Daniels and Tyler Perry and Mo has popped back! Get into her shade-ful response, plus find out why Mo went off on the three Hollywood titans inside…

Mo’Nique had the Internet streets buzzing after she SLAMMED Oprah, Lee Daniels and Tyler Perry during a Mother's Day Comedy Special at the Apollo in Harlem. Mo went in about her being "blackballed," calling it white balling because it's white folks in Hollywood who no longer want to work with her. She wrapped up her feelings by telling all three of them to “suck my d*ck if I had one.” Yeah, ish got REAL.

So, the ladies on “The Real” were talking about the controversy during a recent episode and Adrienne Bailon had something to get off of her chest. She said she takes issue with people who think that saying something loud or boisterous automatically means they’re keeping it real.”

“I have an issue that every time someone is loud or boisterous or saying something negative, that that’s them keeping it real," Adrienne said. "Why does it always have to be that, just because you’re all over the place being loud and making a lot of noise, that that’s the truth and that’s real? Why can’t keeping it real be classy?”

Check it at the 50-second mark:

Well, the Precious star caught wind of Adrienne's comments and served up a response. She hopped on Twitter to address Adrienne's commets tweeting:

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As for what prompted Mo to pop off during her show, she explained why she said what she said in a Periscope podcast show with her husband Sidney Hicks.

The Oscar winner said Lady O pissed her off when she invited the brother that molested Mo’Nique on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and didn’t inform her that her mother would also be appearing on the show. The "Bessie" actress said the show appearance caused a lot of friction in her family that eventually tore them apart.

Mo and Sidney then explained how they found out Tyler Perry had been talking about her behind her back. Apparently, Tyler was trash-talking Mo to one of Sidney’s college roommates, David E. Talbert, who is a playwright and filmmaker. He directed Mo in her most recent film, Almost Christmas.

Sidney noted that Tyler and Lee Daniels would often come to him to talk ish about each other. Sidney said Lee told him Tyler tried to steal the Precious movie from under him and that Tyler couldn’t stand Lee.

Check out the full podcast above.

By the way, Mo'Nique will be doing an interview on WokeAM podcast tomorrow morning during the show's hours 10AM-1PM EST to talk about everything.

Do you think "The Real" will invite Mo'Nique and her husband Sidney on the show? If so, how do we think it'll all go down?

Photos: Getty

source: theybf

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