Home » » DeMario Jackson Rebounds With 2 Blondes After 'Emotional' Talks About 'Bachelor In Paradise' Sexual Assault

DeMario Jackson Rebounds With 2 Blondes After 'Emotional' Talks About 'Bachelor In Paradise' Sexual Assault

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Oh DeMario...


The "Bachelorette" turned "Bachelor In Paradise" star is already back on the scenes with two blondes, just one day after giving an emotional interview to E! news about being set up –– as a black man –– against a white woman on the show.  Deets inside... 

Former "Bachelorette" contestant (and utter f-boi, based on the cheating foolishness he pulled with Bachelorette Rachel), DeMario Jackson, was accused of sexual misconduct with fellow contestant Corinne Olympios on one of the first days of shooting "Bachelor In Paradise."  He has since been cleared of any wrongdoing after an investigation.

Now that the investigation into the sexual assault claims are complete, it's still unclear if or when "Bachelor In Paradise" will resume filming.  There's been conflicting reports about the show's fate, with some saying they're already underway with shooting again and other reports are saying decisions on resuming are still being made by Warner Brothers Studio.  The studio said in a statement:

[...] Our internal investigation, conducted with the assistance of an outside law firm, has now been completed. Out of respect for the privacy interests of those involved, we do not intend to release the videotape of the incident. We can say, however, that the tape does not support any charge of misconduct by a cast member. Nor does the tape show, contrary to many press reports, that the safety of any cast member was ever in jeopardy. Production on this season of Bachelor in Paradise will be resuming, and we plan to implement certain changes to the show’s policies and procedures to enhance and further ensure the safety and security of all participants.

Either way, DeMario says he won't be returning.  Corinne, who was on the recent season of "The Bachelor", has reportedly been telling folks she was "too drunk to consent" to all the ratchet sex that went down in the pool and beyond on that night in question.

Now, Demario wants to clear his name.  He's been speaking to everyone who'll listen to give his side of the story.  He says that the media and others -- he doesn't know who -- basically set him up to be the aggressor.  But DeMario claims he, in fact, was the victim.

He told E! News in a two part interview that Corinne was the aggressor and the public automatically assumed, based on their pictures, that he was the monster.  He recalled that he had been called the N-word and a monster while Corinne was also slut shamed.  He does admit that they did the absolute most -- on camera -- and totally "went there "with he sexual acts.  Get into those graphic details HERE.

He became emotional during the interview saying:

"It was stressful. For me, mostly for my mother," Jackson told E! News in his first interview since the investigation concluded. "It's hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult."

He seems to have bounced back quickly, though.  DeMario hit up Avenue nightclub last night in L.A. and left with two blondes:

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Check out clips from his interview below:



1.  Chris Paul is reportedly being traded to the Rockets. STORY

2.  Phil Jackson has been fired by the Knicks, officially.  Some reports say they "mutually parted ways."  STORY


Photos: Backgrid

source: theybf

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