Home » » Derek Fisher Arrested For Suspicion Of DUI After Flipping Car, Gloria Govan Also Involved

Derek Fisher Arrested For Suspicion Of DUI After Flipping Car, Gloria Govan Also Involved

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Former NBA baller Derek Fisher is in hot DUI water after he flipped his car – with girlfriend Gloria Govan inside – on the LA freeway this morning.  Details inside...

Derek Fisher has been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving after he overturned his vehicle around 3AM this morning on the 101 Freeway near Sherman Oaks. His girlfriend of two years, former “Basketball Wives” reality star Gloria Govan, was also in the car.  Both escaped injury.

The former Los Angeles Laker and ex-New York Knicks head coach reportedly allowed his car to veer onto the shoulder of the freeway where it hit a guardrail and flipped onto the car's roof.

The Daily News gave a play-by-play of how the scary accident occurred:

The crash was a little after 3 a.m. on the westbound freeway, approaching the 405 Freeway interchange. Fisher, 42, was driving a 2015 Cadillac, the California Highway Patrol reported.

Fisher was driving in the number four lane, approaching the 405 interchange, when he allowed the vehicle to veer right and onto the paved right shoulder.

The Cadillac continued across the right shoulder and hit the raised concrete curb and wood/metal guardrail, on the shoulder. The impact caused the vehicle to overturn, and it came to rest on its roof, blocking the three and four lanes of the northbound 101 Freeway.

California Highway Patrol performed an investigation on the scene and determined Derek had been drinking.  He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol without incident.

Derek has two children with his ex-wife Candace and Gloria has twin boys with her ex-husband, Derek's former Laker teammate, Matt Barnes

If drunk driving was, in fact, involved, definitely an irresponsible move that could have ended their lives or someone else's.


Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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