Home » » FIRST TIME FATHER FEELS: Hill Harper Becomes A Dad After Adopting Baby Boy + Serge Ibaka Gears Up For First Father’s Day

FIRST TIME FATHER FEELS: Hill Harper Becomes A Dad After Adopting Baby Boy + Serge Ibaka Gears Up For First Father’s Day

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Hill Harper and Serge Ibaka will be celebrating their very first Father’s Day this weekend. Check out the single YBF dads gushing over their kiddies inside…

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Hill Harper is a dad!

We don’t hear much about men adopting children on their own, but that’s exactly what Hill Harper did. The All Eyez On Me actor is opening up about becoming a father for the first time after adopting a baby boy he named Pierce.

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“[Adopting Pierce] was the greatest decision I’ve ever made and I’ve never been happier,” he told PEOPLE magazine.

The 51-year-old finalized the adoption process in Spring 2017 and said the entire experience has changed his life for the better. While he hadn’t planned on being a single dad, he knew he wanted to be father and decided he would adopt.

“For years, I always wanted to be a parent,” he said. “I thought, you know, you get married, you have kids.”

Harper isn’t married and was unsure if he was actually ready to take on the role of someone’s father.

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In 2015, the “Good Doctor” actor hired an adoption attorney after one of his friends encouraged him to look into it. By Thanksgiving, Harper got a call from his attorney saying a woman was giving birth in three weeks and was seeking adoptive parents for the child.

“I really felt like it was God telling me to do it,” he said. “And I’m so glad that he chose me, and [Pierce’s mom] and God and the universe chose me.”

By December 2015, baby Pierce was being born and Harper got the chance to cut his umbilical cord.

“I was so scared,” he said. “I think because it was such a huge decision. But looking back now, all the fears I had were ridiculously small compared to the joy of having him in my life and having the opportunity to be a father.”

How sweet. Congrats!

Another YBF celeb celebrating their first Father's Day...

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NBA baller Serge Ibaka is beaming with joy as he will celebrate his very first Father’s Day with his daughter 11-year-old daughter, Ranie.

When Serge left Congo at the age of 17 to pursue his basketball career, he didn’t know he fathered a child before he left. Ranie’s mother told Serge’s dad about the pregnancy, but he decided to keep it a secret because he felt Serge wouldn’t have pursued his career if he knew he had a child. Serge’s father stepped in and took on the paternal role to help raise Ranie until he decided to come clean.

“I was young when I found out,” Serge told The Undefeated. “And I was shocked a little bit because it’s something new. And then I didn’t know what to do, what to say or how to react. And I was like, OK, I’m a dad now. But a couple of days I start feeling better, and like I said, it was something I used to dream about always. I want to have kids, and now I want to have more. So, it’s fun.”

He convinced Ranie’s mother to let her come to the United States and live with him for a better education.

“The school system is a little better. And she’s going to be close with me and, like I said before, for a daughter, they need a dad. So it was a little harder, and she did not understand, but now everything’s going smoothly.”

French is Ranie’s first language, but it didn’t take her long to learn English, Ibaka said.

“I put her in American school since she was in Congo because I knew that at some point she had to come here. So, I wanted her to be ready when she’d come here.”

Raising a young daughter at a young age as a man does, however, presents a lot of challenges.

“But it’s kind of a good challenge, especially for a man like me,” Ibaka said. “I’m still young and having a little girl, and they just make you see a lot of things differently. The way you do things because you’ve got a daughter, and they really make you a better man. I love that.”

Aww! This just deepens our crush for the NBA baller.

Peep their super cute clip where they talk about their Father's Day plans and more below:




Happy 1st Father's Day to Hill and Serge! 

Photos:Angela Daves-Haley/ Marilyn Hill Harper/The Undefeated


source: theybf

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