Home » » Keshia Knight Pulliam Escorts TV Dad Bill Cosby Into Sexual Assault Trial

Keshia Knight Pulliam Escorts TV Dad Bill Cosby Into Sexual Assault Trial

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Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trail started this morning and he had his TV daughter Keshia Knight Pulliam by his side. Get the latest inside…

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Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial officially kicked off this morning. And he had someone special on his arm as he made his way inside the courthouse.

Cosby’s TV daughter Keshia Knight Pulliam (aka Rudy Huxtable) was right by his side, walking arm-in-arm as they made their way inside the Montgomery County Courthouse in Pennsylvania. It’s clear Keshia is #TeamCosby.

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The 79-year-old faces three counts of aggravated indecent assault for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple University employee Andrea Constand at his home in 2004.

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It was previously reported that Cosby is super paranoid now that the trial is underway. He’s hopping on his private jet at 2:30 in the morning and traveling 300 miles to court so he doesn’t have to stay in any hotels near the courthouse. He’s fearful that someone could bug his hotel room and he’s also worried someone might “spike his drink.”

How ironic.

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Reporters say the courtroom was packed and that Cosby didn’t say much during today's hearing. It’s reported Cosby will not testify and that his deposition from the civil suit will be used as his explanation of his side of the story. There are reportedly 2 African-American jurors out of 12.

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If Cosby is convicted, he faces up to 30 years in jail.


A former William Morris staffer, Kelly Johnson, gave an emotional, tearful testimony today in regards to the alleged 2004 rape of Andrea Constand. She says she, too, was drugged by Cosby:

“Open your mouth, lift up your tongue,” the mainly soft spoken ex-assistant to Cosby’s now-deceased William Morris agent Tom Illius said Cosby, who she testified was wearing a black robe and slippers at the time, told her when he was trying to convince her to take pills he was offering. “I felt extremely intimidated,” Johnson admitted with her voice cracking, saying she unsuccessfully planned to pretend to swallow the unnamed pill Cosby had asked her to take.

“Bill Cosby was the most important client at the agency, not just for Tom but at the agency,” Johnson told the prosecution, crying.

“I felt like I was underwater...”

Constand herself will take the stand today or tomorrow.

Photos: Reuters

source: theybf

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