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MAKING CHANGE: Jay Z Is Bailing Out Incarcerated Fathers To Celebrate Father’s Day!

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This Father’s Day will be a special one for several incarcerated dads thanks to Jay Z. Get into the philanthropic feels inside…

It’s Father’s Day! And while Jay Z has plenty to celebrate with the arrival of his new twin babies, he’s looking to put a big smile on some fathers’ faces this year.

To celebrate Father’s Day, Hov will be coughing up some dough to help bail out incarcerated fathers who are being held in jail and can’t afford their bail. In an open letter published on TIME, the Hip Hop mogul opens up about how he became obsessed with the bail bond industry after producing his docuseries, Time: The Kalief Browder Story.

“When black and brown people are over-police and arrested and accused of crimes at higher rates than others, and then forced to pay for their freedom before they ever see trial, big bail companies prosper,” he wrote.

Hov will be putting up money for organizations like Color Of Change and Southerners on New Ground to help free fathers in jail who can’t afford their freedom.

"This Father’s Day, I’m supporting those same organizations to bail out fathers who can’t afford the due process our democracy promises. As a father with a growing family, it’s the least I can do, but philanthropy is not a long fix, we have to get rid of these inhumane practices altogether. We can’t fix out broken criminal justice system until we take on the exploitative bail industry.”

YAS to all of this! We’re happy to see Hov helping out some fathers to celebrate their day.

You can red Jay Z’s full letter here.

We'd like to wish ALL of our YBF Dads a Happy Father's Day! Be sure to check out our Instagram (@TheYBF_Daily) for all of the special Father's Day tributes.


Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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