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Nick Gordon Goes To Court, Accused (Again) Of Doing F-Boi Ish Like Beating & Kidnapping Current Girlfriend

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Wow.  Nick Gordon just had to face the music in his latest drama of allegedly brutally beating his new girlfriend.  The reports are explosive, and quite reminiscent of what he was accused of doing to the late Bobbi Kristina Brown....

Nick Gordon showed up in court yesterday after getting arrested Saturday night at his home in Florida.

The 28-year-old, who was found legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina's death, was taken into custody in Sanford, Florida, where he currently lives with his mother.  He's facing two charges of domestic violence battery and kidnapping/false imprisonment of an adult.

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His live-in girlfriend Laura Leal went to the emergency room after she finally escaped his home Saturday.  According to the police report, Laura says she and Nick have been dating and living together for the last three months.  Laura filed a report at the police station Saturday morning claiming she'd been battered and not allowed to leave the residence.

According to Laura's account of what happened, the two went to the local sports bar Duffy's to watch Friday night's NBA Finals game.  When they got home, Nick allegedly started to harrass her and accuse her of trying to hook up with one of his friends at the bar.  She says she told him she did not and never would, and he continuously punched her -- with a closed fist -- in the head and body demanding her to admit to it.

They argued and fought into the early morning, with Nick even allegedly taking her computer when she tried to contact her older sister via Facebook. Reportedly, he had also taken her phone days before. Laura says Nick told her she could leave, but when she actually attempted to, he allegedly started "punching and hitting her and refused to let her leave."

According to the police report, Laura ran into Nick's mother's room in the morning and asked her for help.  Nick's mother saw the bruises and proceeded to help her out of the house and drove her to her sister.  Laura  to Nick's house, found him in the club room of his apartment complex, and arrested him.

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Nick denies abusing her, and even says she abused him and he wants to press charges.  You can read the full police reports HERE and HERE.

Photos: Splash/Instagram

source: theybf

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