Home » » Philando Castile’s Family Reaches $3 Million Settlement After Cop Who Killed Him Was Acquitted

Philando Castile’s Family Reaches $3 Million Settlement After Cop Who Killed Him Was Acquitted

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Philando Castile’s family as reached a settlement with the city of St. Anthony after the police officer that killed him was acquitted on all charges. Details inside…

The family of Philando Castile reached a $3 million settlement with the city of St. Anthony in Minnesota today.

As you know, Philando was gunned down in cold blood by St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez during a traffic stop on July 6, 2016 with his girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter also in the car. His girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, streamed the aftermath of the shooting via Facebook Live for the world to see.

Last week, dash cam footage of the murder was released which showed Philando didn’t stand a chance. The officer claimed in court he was in fear of his life, but the video footage doesn’t quite line up with his statement. Philando was shot seven times by the officer after Philando told him he had a firearm on him, which he had every right to do so in the open carry state.

Ex-police officer Jeronimo Yanez was acquitted of second-degree manslaughter and two counts of intentional discharge of a firearm that endangers safety a little over a week ago. He’s no longer on the police force.

"The death of Philando Castile is a tragedy for his family and for our community," according to a statement from the city and lawyers for the family."The parties moved expeditiously to resolve potential civil claims resulting from this tragedy in order to allow the process of healing to move forward for the Castile family, for the people of St. Anthony Village, and for all those impacted by the death of Philando Castile throughout the United States."

"No amount of money could ever replace Philando. With resolution of the claims the family will continue to deal with their loss through the important work of the Philando Castile Relief Foundation."

While it’s good that the Castile Family can use the money to honor his legacy, it’s tragic his life was taken away for no reason.

Photos: Getty/Facebook

source: theybf

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