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Stevie Wonder – ‘You Can Not Say Black Lives Matter & Then Kill Yourselves’

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Stevie Wonder is speaking out about the Black Lives Matter movement.  And it has some folks up in arms. Read it all inside…

Since the Black Lives Matter movement started, it has been met with controversy. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the movement.  While many agree black lives do matter, there seems to be other narratives to diminish the notion, like "all lives matter" or "blacks should stop killing other blacks if black lives matter."

Well, singing legend Stevie Wonder is speaking out about the movement and we know his response will stir up some controversy. Here’s what he said while speaking on youth gun violence at the North Minneapolis Conference on Peace over the weekend:

“It is in your hands to stop all of the killing and the shooting where it might be. You cannot say ‘Black Lives Matter,’ and then kill yourselves. Because you know we’ve mattered long before it was said, but the way we show that we matter, the way that we show all of the various people of color matter is by loving each other and doing something about it. Not just talking about it, not just waiting to see the media and press come when there’s a horrible thing.”

The iconic singer spoke on the fatal shooting of Philando Castile during a traffic stop as his killer, former officer Jeronimo Yanez, was acquitted by a jury. He continued with his speech, encouraging the kids to always feel like they matter.

“The first thing you must do is stop believing the fallacy of you not being important because it is completely unacceptable for one to hate themselves so much that anyone that looks like you, you want to kill.”

We can rock with that.

Peep a clip from his speech below:


Do you agree?



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Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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