Home » » The Obamas Are Out Here White Water Rafting & Sightseeing On Indonesian Family Vacay

The Obamas Are Out Here White Water Rafting & Sightseeing On Indonesian Family Vacay

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The former First Family is still enjoying life after the White House on yet another vacation. And we’re totally here for the family flicks. Check out the Obamas hitting the waves and sightseeing inside…

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After eight years in the White House, it’s only right the former First Family (aka our forever First Family) get in as much fun as they can.

Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama spent the last five days in Indonesia, returning to the country where POTUS live for several years as a child.

Creating new memories as civilians, the Obamas went out for an adrenaline rush, hitting the waters for some white water rafting.

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The Obamas also did some sightseeing as well when they made their way to Indonesia's resort island of Bali to see the historic city of Yogyakarta. Mr. O and Sasha were all about capturing some flicks for their personal stash:

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They continued making their rounds to several major tourist attractions where they visited the largest Buddhist temple in the world, took a stroll through the Jatiluwih rice terrace, stopped by an arts and culture center, and they hit up a museum.

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While fun has been at the top of the Obama Family’s agenda, Mr. Obama is set to deliver a speech at the Indonesian Diaspora Congress in Jakrta on July 1st.

We love seeing the Obamas having fun on a much deserved vacation.

Photos: AP/Reuters/Getty

source: theybf

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