Home » » What In The Racial Slur Hell? Bill Maher Refers To Himself As A 'House Ni**a' On National TV

What In The Racial Slur Hell? Bill Maher Refers To Himself As A 'House Ni**a' On National TV

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Apparently, a white man referring to himself as a “house n****r” is humorous to some. Bill Maher cracked a racist joke while interviewing a Nebraska senator and the audience thought it was pretty funny. Hear the joke and decide for yourself inside…

Late night host Bill Maher messed up with this one.

The “Real Time” HBO host sat down with Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Nebraska, for an interview last night. Sen. Sasse invited the late night host to his state to get in the trenches, so to speak.

“We’d love to have you work in the fields with us,” Sen. Sasse said.

Here’s what Bill responded with: “Work in the fields? Senator, I’m a house n****r.”

Excuse us?

After he cracked the racially insensitive “joke,” some audience members laughed while others just made "I'm so uncomfortable" noises. Bill then followed up with “It’s just a joke.”

Check it:



So, here we are. 2017 and white folks -- liberal or not -- still making light of slavery. We know what some of you are thinking, “Black people are just too sensitive.” Nah.  It’s about the dangerous slippery slope of making slavery into a joke. And if we want it to stop, we have to call them out.


Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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