Home » » WHEN THE HITS NOT HITTING: Tinashe Seems To Blame The Black Community For Her Lackluster Singing Career

WHEN THE HITS NOT HITTING: Tinashe Seems To Blame The Black Community For Her Lackluster Singing Career

Tinashe seems to have an idea as to why her singing career hasn’t gone to higher heights. And, somehow, the black community is at fault. Find out what she said inside…

Since Tinashe stepped on the music scene, there was big talk that she would skyrocket to become the next big “thing.” But, her career hasn’t quite reached the heights she have hoped it would by now.  Could it be because it's hard for folks to separate -- or care about -- her persona from the likes of Ciara, Rihanna, the chick who sings that "Nobody" song and a few others?  Maybe.

Many factors could come into play, but the 24-year-old singer feels like the black community plays a big part. Why? Well, she says she doesn't get full support from the blacks because she’s of mixed race.

Yeah, she went there.

In an interview with The Guardian, she said "colorism" plays a big role in her lackluster career.

“There’s colorism involved in the black community, which is very apparent,” she shared. “It’s about trying to find a balance where I’m a mixed woman, and sometimes I feel like I don’t fully fit into the black community; they don’t fully accept me, even though I see myself as a black woman. That disconnect is confusing sometimes. I am what I am.”

Hmm…we’re kind of having a hard time connecting the dots here. Girl, we definitely know you're black.  But where colorism is concerned, she would historically be the beneficiary.  From the time we’ve been on earth, it always seems like fair skinned women seemingly have MORE “privilege,” especially compared to darker skinned women. 

We wonder if she's ever considered that her music just isn’t that great? No shade, but most of her songs sound the same and nothing interesting really stands out. Maybe it's just hard for folks to put on there stan hats for Tinashe.  We do bop to "2 On" whenever it comes on though.

We also can't remember the last time she rocked with actual black media, which could be her connect to the black community.  Instead, we've seen plenty of mainstream publication coverage - from Fader to Paper to others - we would bet her team purposely and solely went after.  Maybe she thought the black audience would automatically co-sign her whether she acknowledged their presence or not.

Switching gears, she opened up about that time Rihanna, or someone from her team, allegedly “stole” her 'Joyride' track for Ri's own album.

“Yeah, that’s true, but I don’t know if it was personally Rihanna, like, ‘I’m taking that from Tinashe.’ I don’t think that’s how it worked. But it’s back now.”

We’re just going to leave this here.  Discuss amongst yourselves…



Photo: Tinashe's IG


source: theybf

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