Home » » #RealLifeYBF: 15-Year-Old Early Grad Who Didn't Land Scholarships Reaches GoFundMe Goal + NJ Twins Named Co-Valedictorians, Headed To MIT!

#RealLifeYBF: 15-Year-Old Early Grad Who Didn't Land Scholarships Reaches GoFundMe Goal + NJ Twins Named Co-Valedictorians, Headed To MIT!

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A 15-year-old high school graduate was struggling to pay for college after graduating at such a young age, but it appears the Internet has pulled through for him! #RealLifeBlackExcellence


Get the latest on the super brilliant YBF teen, plus deets on twin brothers in New Jersey who were named co-valedictorians inside....

A teen prodigy in Greensboro, North Carolina accoplished a big feat when he graduated from Page High School earlier this month - two years early - while on a fast track to college that resulted in him graduating with an impressive 4.5 GPA. He plans on attending UNC in Charlotte where he'll major in computer engineering and minor in aerospace engineering in the Fall. Remarkable right? Indeed it is.

However, 15-year-old Ishmale Powell can't afford all the college expenses and has been turned down by every scholarship he applied for!

“That’s really worrying me," the disappointed teen told local station WFMY News. ”I’m not sure how I’m going to pay for tuition or anything because I come from a single-parent home and it’s been rough.”

Ishmale's father, Shawn Powell, is on a disability fixed income and is unable to afford the remaining $40,000 for room, board and other college fees. “I have been always on my son real hard and trying to make sure he does the right thing,” his father said.

Shawn is moving to the college town so his son can go to UNC from home. He said his son has $3000 in Pell Grant and $6000 from the UNC system for his first year of college.  Sheesh.  Gotta love the dedication.  But this teen definitely deserves somebody's scholarship.  Even if it's in the form of Go Fund Me:

Check it:

A few days ago, Ishmale met with the UNC Engage Me! program. Engage Me! is a Lee College of Engineering diversity and inclusion program designed to successfully recruit, retain and graduate multicultural students with degrees from engineering, engineering technology, and construction management programs.

Ishmale started a GoFundMe page with a goal of $25,000 to help fund his college career. He met and exceeded his goal in 12 days, so it looks like he's covered for his first year.


You can donate here.

Congrats Ishmale!

As for more YBF teens killing it big academically...

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Two New Jersey twins were celebrated for being 'la crème de la crème at Woodbridge High School.

Fraternal 18-year-old brothers Malik and Miles George were named co-valedictorians and they are now headed to their dream school together: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

They took turns speaking during their oratory address to their graduating class of 400 classmates.

"It was an amazing experience," Malik said. "To have all four years to culminate that moment is an enriching experience."

It's no surprise the twins are headed for greatness. They both scored nearly perfect SAT scores and they don't have any grades lower than an A- in high school. The last time they received a B was in 3rd grade!

Now, they're living out their dream of attending MIT. They were so excited about the school, they applied early and found out they got in weeks before their birthday in December. SWEET!

"It was our dream school," Miles said. " We were looking at top ten schools and we fell in love with everything it had to offer."

Also, the day before the twins walked across the stage, their parents celebrated their 20th anniversary. Aww.

Congrats to the twins!

Photos: Screenshot/Miles George via CBS

source: theybf

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