Home » » Erica Campbell Opens Up About Losing A Baby & Suicide Attempt + Gabrielle Union Speaks Out About Her Multiple Miscarriages So Others Won't Suffer In Silence

Erica Campbell Opens Up About Losing A Baby & Suicide Attempt + Gabrielle Union Speaks Out About Her Multiple Miscarriages So Others Won't Suffer In Silence

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Gabrielle Union and Erica Campbell are opening up about their infertility issues in an effort to help other women who may be going through the same situation. Get their stories inside...


According to estimates from the American College of Obstetricians and the Mayo Clinic, between 15 and 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. It's a subject that's extremely hard to talk about as losing a baby (even as an embryo) takes a huge toll on a woman.

Another reason why people shouldn't ask women "when" they're going to have kids or "why" they haven't had any yet.

Last year, Gabrielle Union revealed she (and her husband Dwyane Wade) suffered 8 or 9 heartbreaking miscarriages in her New York Times best-selling book, "We're Going To Need More Win."

The Breaking In actress recently appeared on the "Dr. Oz Show" to explain why she decided to open up about her extremely painful experiences and her fertility issues. Gabby said after marrying D.Wade, she got off birth control and was ready to start a family, but it didn't work out the way she had planned.

“Initially, I didn’t know what the issue was,” she shared. “I got off birth control, I got married, and I was ready to start a family. I didn’t think there was going to be any problem, and there was. So I was always having these early miscarriages. Some from IVF, some just naturally happening on our own.”

The "Being Mary Jane" actress said her first miscarriage was the most brutal because she and D. Wade were so excited, they told family and friends only for their excitement to be cut short.

“The first one was the most brutal because we told people,” she said. “We were so excited. You know, you dream of this moment. Those dreams were just crushed. And [miscarriages] just happened in rapid succession over the next few years.”

Gut wrenching. We can't even imagine. However, Gabby said she spoke out about her experience to help other women because “there’s no reason to suffer in silence.”

“No one wants the world to think you’re ‘defective’ or less than a perfect woman or less than capable. There’s so much shame and mystery and guilt that surrounds fertility issues. That’s why I wanted to include it in my book because I’m tired of it.”

We salute her for having the courage to speak out about something so personal and intimate to help others.

Peep her interview below:

Another YBF celeb opening about her infertility struggles...

Erica Campbell opened up for the very first time about the time she suffered a miscarriage. On this week's episode of "We're The Campbells," the Mary Mary singer said she and her husband Warryn Campbell were trying to have a boy. She was super excited about it.

Erica later found out it was a tubal pregnancy and eventually, she lost the baby. She said she never talked to anyone about it. She just dealt with it.

"There are so many feelings that go along with having a miscarriage and it's not always easy to explain. But, I do think women should talk about it more because once a mom finds out she's having a baby, you fall in love with that baby before you even see it. And that's the hardest part. The process of falling out of love."

So heartbreaking. Peep the emotional clip above.

In another clip...

The gospel singer also opened up about another touching subject.

Erica reflected on a dark time in her past during a candid conversation with her husband. She revealed that when she was 12, she tried to commit suicide. She said something was telling her to slice her wrist, but she didn't do it. Warryn said he has known his wife for over 20 years and he didn't know that. She said she never told anyone about it.

However, she said she thanks God there was prayer in her home that kept her from ultimately taking her own life. Peep the clip above.

Check out new episodes of "We're The Campbells" Tuesdays at 8/7c on TV One.

Photos: Getty

source: theybf

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