Home » » LEGAL WOES: Floyd Mayweather Is Being Sued For $650K Of $1.6M Interior Design Job + Viacom Wants The Game To PAY UP $20M After Lawsuit

LEGAL WOES: Floyd Mayweather Is Being Sued For $650K Of $1.6M Interior Design Job + Viacom Wants The Game To PAY UP $20M After Lawsuit

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Floyd Mayweather and The Game both have lawsuits on their hands. Get the latest on their new legal woes inside...


Over the last week, Floyd Mayweather has been going AT IT with 50 Cent on social media. But, maybe he should be more concerned about this new lawsuit being filed against them rather than going to war on social media.

Floyd Mayweather is being accused of NOT fully paying an interior designer to redesign his new Beverly Hills mansion. So, the designer is suing for over $650,000 for services rendered that weren't compensated.

The Blast got their hands on court documents that reveal Palumbo Design was reportedly hired to oversee the cosmetic design of his Beverly Hills mansion. Apparently, the boxer paid $1 million to have the home renovated, but suddenly stopped payment and never coughed up the $650,000 that was still owed. Not only that, Floyd allegedly started to ignore the company's attempt to get the money owed.

The site gives the breakdown of how it all went down:

The company claims Mayweather was clearly pleased with the work, pointing to the fact that “he frequently posted pictures on social media for his tens of millions of followers bragging and touring his redesigned home, recently acquired furniture, and other redesign work” that they did.

The company says Mayweather agreed to pay for all furniture, rugs, art, décor, window coverings, textiles, and all other items and furnishings selected, plus pay a pre-tax 25% design commission.

Around February, while they were working to complete Mayweather’s master bedroom, Palumbo says they were still waiting to be paid on a $150,000 invoice. When they asked his team, they claim they got the runaround and were told to wait to submit another invoice until after “visible progress” had been made on the home or an impressive looking room was finished for Mayweather.

They waited to send the next invoice but they claim no payment was made, despite numerous assurances. Palumbo says they kept working on the home for months and keep asking where the payments were … with no luck.

The head of the company even spoke to Floyd Mayweather on the phone and says the boxer never disputed the invoice but apologized, claiming he was dealing with personal matters. His team eventually started questioning them on the cost of work done and items purchased.

Palumbo says they have yet to be paid and are suing for the entire $657,037.36 plus interest owed.

Pay the people!

We can't dictate how folks spend their money even when they spend excessively (because hey, if you work hard, you have every right to have nice things). We just hope he also spends excessively on things that help the communities who need it, since those same folks likely pay to watch your matches.

In other legal woes...

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Viacom seems to still be pissed with The Game following their legal dispute.

They already defeated the west coast rapper (real name Jayceon Taylor) in court earlier this year and now they want him to PAY for it.

The company is reportedly seeking to be reimbursed by the rapper for the court costs they racked up to defend against the rapper's $20 million lawsuit that he brought up against the company after an alleged sexual assault that went down during filming of his former dating show, "She Got Game." He felt they should have been liable for the $7.1 million judgement he was hit with by the alleged victim, Prsicilla Rainey.

It cost the company $35,729.50 and they want The Game to pay it in full.

The Blast reports:

The Game argued Viacom should cover the bill due to them casting Rainey on the show, despite knowing she had a criminal history. He claimed they knew of her multiple felony arrests for battery and that she suffered from mental health issues.

Viacom denied they should be liable for the $7.1 judgment and sought to have the entire case dismissed.

On June 5, the judge came back with his decision and sided with the media company by dismissing The Game’s case.

The judge has yet to rule on if Jaceyon will have to pay up or not. Hmm..how do you think he/she will rule? They both make good points.

Photos: Floyd's IG/Getty

source: theybf

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