Home » » Meghan Markle's RATCHET 'Sisters' & Dad - One Arrest, One Celeb 'Big Brother' Appearance & Constant Ish Talking

Meghan Markle's RATCHET 'Sisters' & Dad - One Arrest, One Celeb 'Big Brother' Appearance & Constant Ish Talking

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Meghan Markle's family is STILL cutting up even after the royal wedding. And they wonder why most of their invites got lost in the mail. See what antics the Duchess of Sussex's "sisters" and dad are up to inside...

Meghan Markle's half-sister Samantha Markle - who was integral on staging those fake paparazzi photos for her and Meghan's father showing him reading up on Royal etiquette - is supposedly joining the cast of "UK Celebrity Big Brother."

During an interview on "Good Morning Britain," Samantha hinted at appearing on the UK version of the Big Brother reality show.

“I’ve worked in media most of my life, why would I not?," she said. "Why would I stop living because I have a family issue going on?” Lordt.

“Urm… well, I would tell you, but then I would have to kill you, so... I don’t want to find myself in locks and stocks quite frankly. It wouldn’t be becoming," she continued.

Um, we can think of a few reasons "why not" Samantha. 

Samantha also urged her sister to get in contact with her 74-year-old father, Thomas Markle, who missed the royal wedding due to health complications. Samantha said Meghan has not spoken to her father since before the wedding.

“We all know that life is short,” she said. “And so, given the circumstances over the last several months since the wedding, I think he really just wants to embrace her and have some closure on the distance and the misperception and really let her know that he loves her. I think it’s really important that we stop building walls and we start building bridges,” she said.

Peep her interview below:

According to reports, Meghan hasn't spoken to her dad in "fear" that he will leak their conversation for money. Valid.  Especially considering he already leaked details about a private conversation he had with Prince Harry, so she has a good reason to be concerned.

"Meghan is so upset over Thomas," a source told US Weekly. "She’s upset for a couple of reasons. She doesn’t even know how to communicate with her dad without knowing he won’t exploit her. She lives in fear that he’ll leak their communication. If he’s spoken this much already, why wouldn’t he leak their conversation?"

“She would like to speak to him, but there is no trust there anymore,” the source continued. “And it doesn’t seem like it could ever be rebuilt. The damage is done.”

“First, he faked this weird heart attack, which he hasn’t admitted was fake, and now he’s doing all these interviews. She has no other choice but to ignore him,” the source told Us, referring to Thomas’ recent claims that Meghan is “under too much pressure” and looks “terrified” in photos from royal engagements.


Can he SHUT UP?! If he wasn't so thirsty for attention and money he could have a relationship with his daughter. But, we doubt he even wants one, for real.

As for her other "sister"...

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Meghan's future sister-in-law is in trouble...again.  Apparently, Darlene Blunt, who is the fiancee of Meghan's brother Thomas Markle Jr., was arrested on an assault charge in the fourth degree. And Meghan's brother may have been involved. Again.

The Daily Mail reports:

Few details are known about the incident, but a source told DailyMail.com: 'Last night there was a domestic violence call at the home of Thomas Markle [Jr] and Darlene Blount. Darlene was arrested on assault charges.'

It comes just months after a violent and boozy bust up with the Duchess of Sussex's half-brother.

Police were called to the home of Thomas Jr and his fiancee on New Year's Eve.

On that occasion she told the the 911 operator, the 51-year-old was being 'really f***ing weird' and was beating himself up.

Blount said Thomas had been drinking when he became jealous, thinking she was trying to 'f*** some dude' she knew when out at a local bar.

The then 36-year-old claimed to be 'scared' of Thomas because he is 'a big guy', suggesting to the operator that he could be mentally ill.

But when police arrived at the couple's home in Grants Pass, Oregon, they didn't buy Blount's story that Thomas hurt himself and arrested her for assault.

Darlene was arrested back in January after getting into a domestic violence incident with Thomas Jr. then as well. Just a whole mess!

Photos: Getty/Josephine County Sheriff


source: theybf

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