Home » » N-Word Using Papa John's CEO John Schnatter Resigns After Apology & Folks Are Totally Over Him AND His Nasty Pizza

N-Word Using Papa John's CEO John Schnatter Resigns After Apology & Folks Are Totally Over Him AND His Nasty Pizza

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Papa John's is canceled! John Schnatter just stepped down after using the n-word during a freaking conference call about pizza. Umm...OK sir. Deets inside...


Papa John's CEO John Schnatter is something else.

After blaming NFL protestors for the decline of pizza sales, the Papa Johns honcho is back in more ish. He just resigned as board chairman of the company. The reason? The N-word had everything to do with it.

The Papa John's honcho just recently apologized for using the n-word during a company conference call earlier this year. Not only that, he also shared graphic descriptions of violence against minorities. Now, why is this even being discussed on a pizza conference call? We'll tell you.



Apparently, he was participating in a "role playing exercise" to help deal with racially sensitive situations. You'll recall, he stepped down at the CEO of the pizza comepany last year after he blamed NFL players who were protesting as the reason Papa John's pizza sales were declining. He feels like all the players should be made to stand during the national anthem. He tried it.

Remember when Plies dragged his a**?

Forbes gives details about his conference call and what he said exactly.

On the May call, Schnatter was asked how he would distance himself from racist groups online. He responded by downplaying the significance of his NFL statement. “Colonel Sanders called blacks n-----s,” Schnatter said, before complaining that Sanders never faced public backlash.

Schnatter also reflected on his early life in Indiana, where, he said, people used to drag African-Americans from trucks until they died. He apparently intended for the remarks to convey his antipathy to racism, but multiple individuals on the call found them to be offensive, a source familiar with the matter said.

Wow!  He doesn't need to be anybody's CEO basically saying unless you're calling your employee's N-words and dragging them from cars, you shouldn't be held accountable for your ignorant rhetoric.

After ish hit the fan (again), John served up a mediocre apology...like they always do.

“News reports attributing the use of inappropriate and hurtful language to me during a media training session regarding race are true,” he said in a statement. “Regardless of the context, I apologize. Simply stated, racism has no place in our society.”

Blah. Blah. Blah.









So yeah, he's out of there. Byeeee.

And nope. Even an Obama code for pizza that's damn near free would make us order another item from the company:

By the way, Papa John's shares are declining by as much as 5.9% yesterday to $47.80. It's reportedly the lowest intraday level since Feb. 2016. Bloop!  You and your sweet-sauce a$$ pizza can go.

Photos: Getty

source: theybf

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