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R. Kelly Really Went And Dropped A 19-Minute Song Called 'I Admit'

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R. Kelly has hit rock bottom, so he says on a new "Trapped In The Closet"-esque 19-minute track called "I Admit."  It's a doozy...

The Pied Piper admits everything...except brainwashing women into being his sex slave and committing statutory rape. The singer - who is heavily accused of being a sexual abuser - sang that his lawyers told him to settle his cases even though he "didn't do sh*t" .

R. admits he's a gift and a curse, that he doesn't go to church, that he's "told so many lies to these broads," and that he no longer wants to keep trying. He even revealed he can't spell and can't read (including his contracts or that teleprompter at the Grammys that one time).

He admitted to smashing his friend's girlfriend, his girlfriend's friend, old and young ladies, and all the ladies. He even recounts a time he took his friend's girl to the Ritz to get it in.

Then, he gets down to the actual accusations:

"How they gon say I don't respect these women when all I do is represent? Take my career and turn it upside down because you mad I got some girlfriends."


He then addresses his accusers who have escaped his alleged harem who say he held them hostage.

"Say I'm abusing these women. WTF that's some absurd sh*t. They're brainwashed? Really? Kidnapped? Really? Can't eat? Really? Real talk, that sh*t sounds silly. If you really, really want to know, her father dropped her off at my show. And told his boy to put her on the stage. I admit that she as over age. I admit that I was feeling her and I admit that she was feeling me....I aint chasing these ladies, no. These ladies are chasing me, yeah."

He asked "how much can a ni**a take" while calling out Spotify for yanking his music, but understands why Tom Joyner and Steve Harvey and John Legend have separated themselves from him. He also said he's never been arrested for any of these accusations, but the accusations are being held against him.

Then he said he wanted to give parents out there some advice because he's also a parent, after revealing he hasn't seen his own kids in years:

"Don't push your daughter in my face, and tell me that it's ok. Because your agenda is to get paid and get mad when it don't go your way."

He admitted to his money woes as well, saying "they" took his money and he's been messed over by so many managers.

About that Wendy Williams chat he had (where she actually referenced the things he talked about in this song on her show), he said she asked for Hennessy and they turned off their phones. But he never offered her a drink himself like she claimed.

All in all, he says he's hit rock bottom because people don't want him to shine or survive. So he's calling on his hood to help him. And he said multiple times, "I'm human."

Hmmm. Maybe it's the definition of "brainwashed" that's the point of contention here, and R believes if a woman simply doesn't leave his abode she is voluntarily staying, regardless of her mental capacity at the time. Or, maybe there's delusion involved on all ends. Either way, R. Kelly swears he's "just human."

We wonder if this will be included in the new Lifetime movie that's in the making.

Your thoughts?

source: theybf

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