Home » » Stacey Dash's Cast & Crew QUIT 'Secret' Pro-Life 'Roe vs. Wade' Movie, MLK's Niece Alveda King Was A Part Too

Stacey Dash's Cast & Crew QUIT 'Secret' Pro-Life 'Roe vs. Wade' Movie, MLK's Niece Alveda King Was A Part Too

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Stacey Dash and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. niece Alveda King are gearing up to star (and produce) in a secret "pro-life" movie about ROE vs. WADE. But, it may never see the light of day since folks are dropping out like flies. Deets inside...

Stacey Dash was gearing up to star in a new movie with a pro-life spin about the landmark ROE vs. WADE decision. However, ish isn't panning out like it should.

Y'alls fave cooky conservative cookie is set to star in the film as Mildred Jefferson, the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School and a huge activist in the pro-life movement. Y'all know they love to elevate black women ONLY when she fits THEIR narrative.

The film is set after the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 that made privacy in health, which allowed for states to make abortions legal, a constitutional right in the U.S.

Apparently, once cast and crew got the REAL deal about what the film is really about, folks started jumping ship. One month into production, director Nick Loeb tells The Hollywood Reporter that he's having issues making the film because he's losing actors, and filming locations.  Most recently, an on-set electrician told Nick "to go f**k yourself" before she quit after learning what the movie was about.

"When I told her I was, she told me to go fuck myself," Loeb recalls. "Then she threw her headset on the ground and walked off. I found out later she was our electrician."


There's an actress who reportedly "begged" for the role of Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe), but quit once she realized the movie has a pro-life tilt to the film. Nick Loeb has been secretly shooting the film under a fake title. He has refused to name all of the actors involved and apparently hasn't told the cast and crew the full story about the project's conservative angle. As a result, folks don't want anything to do with it.

"There are lots of surprising cameos from controversial people in the news that I can't tell you about — or more people might walk off the set," quips Loeb.


Of course, Twitter is letting her have it:







Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Trump supporter, argues in the film that the entire ROE v. WADE case was built on a lie. She's an executive producer of the film and she also narrates.

It's interesting to note, the tagline of the movie, which claims abortion is the leading cause of death amongst African-Americans, is a flat out lie.  The USA's CDC confirms, via the latest report taken in 2015, the leading causes of death amongst African-Americans are heart disease, cancer and strokes.

According to the movie's crowdfunding site (with a $2 million goal), it states:

ROE V WADE the movie is the real untold story of how people lied; how the media lied; and how the courts were manipulated to pass a law that has since killed over 60 million Americans. Many documentaries have been made, but no one has had the courage to make an actual feature film, a theatrical movie about the true story.

THR reports:

The filmmakers say there are some notable investors behind the project, though they won't reveal them. They're negotiating a distribution deal now and are aiming for a January release date, while Republicans are hoping to confirm Justice Kennedy's replacement this fall.

Watch the clip below: 



Photo: Splash

source: theybf

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