Home » » T.I. 'Not Worried' About Copping 3 Misdemeanor Charges For Popping Off On Subdivision Guard

T.I. 'Not Worried' About Copping 3 Misdemeanor Charges For Popping Off On Subdivision Guard

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T.I. copped three misdemeanor charges for that recent incident with a sleeping security guard who wouldn't let the rapper into his own subdivision.  Now, TIP's got some words for the dude who wasn't on his job.

Back in May, T.I. was arrested for allegedly being drunk and disorderly after the security guard for his subdivison called the cops on him.

The security guard refused to let T.I. past the gates to his own home, and TIP had to call wife Tiny Harris to vouch for him.  Once he finally got to his home and had a nightcap, the rapper went back out to the guard and asked him to step out the booth.


Y'all know that didn't end well.  The guard, now identified as Euwan James, stayed inside the stand and called the cops. TIP was arrested and he was quickly let out on bail.

Now, the rapper has been formally charged after James said what most folks who call the cops on black folks say: He felt "threatened".

TIP's facing three misdemeanors — simple assault, public drunkenness and disorderly conduct.  But he's not facing any jail time.

No physical altercation happened, and T.I.'s lawyer, Euwan Sadow, called the charges “baseless, ill-founded and unjustified.”  Especially since he maintains the guard was literally asleep on the job when T.I. first arrived, which hindered his ability to handle the situation properly.

The guard has since been fired, and T.I. says he deserves it.  While speaking to Fox 5's "Good Day New York" today during his "The Grand Hustle" promo run, he said:

"I had every right to be upset.  I responded the way anyone would respond who dedicates the kind of resources I do for my family's safety around-the-clock. If you're asleep on your post and I pay you I have a right to be upset."

He also said the cops never asked his side of the story when they arrived.

"For the police to come there and attempt to discipline me or even ask what is going on in the situation I think it's negligent and counter-productive," said T.I.


"(It's) The story of a black man in America. Every step of the way there is always some form of authority that some other person who is supposed to be equal to you holds over your head. I'm not worried. I've seen worse," said T.I.

Check it:

Well there's that.



1.  While T.I. escaped facing any jail time for simply telling a security guard to come outside, a 43-year-old white daycare provider in Minnesota is also facing NO jail time after she hung a child - who was thankfully freed - from a noose.  Nataliia Karia also ran over and dragged two people with her car upon fleeing the scene and caused a two-car accident. After a two-hour hearing full of #WhiteTears, Karia received a 10-year probationary sentence, with credit for the 20 months in jail. She also must follow court-ordered mental health treatment and electronic home monitoring for at least two months.

The judge's reason for his slap o the wrist: She's “a low risk” to reoffend. Karia claims the abuse she received from her husband made her snap. STORY


Photo: IG

source: theybf

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