Home » » Tyson Beckford Gets 'Gay Shamed' By Kim Kardashian + She Wasn't Joking About Kanye West Being A Billionaire

Tyson Beckford Gets 'Gay Shamed' By Kim Kardashian + She Wasn't Joking About Kanye West Being A Billionaire

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Tyson Beckford and Kim Kardashian went to war on social media recently. Get into their body shaming/gay shaming antics, plus what Kim said about Kanye West actually being a billionaire inside...

Tyson Beckford shared his opinion on Instagram only to be "gay shamed" by Kim Kardashian West.

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An Instagram user posted a photo of Kim K arriving to the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" studio (like the one above) and Tyson decided to give his unfiltered opinion on the photo. "Sorry I Don’t care for it personally,” he wrote under the photo. Then he came back with some shade.

"She is not real, doctor f*cked up on her right hip," he continued.

Peep the receipts:

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It didn't take long before the KKW Beauty honcho caught wind of Tyson's remarks. She decided to clapback in the comments what seemingly seems like shade against his sexuality:

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As expected, the comments went into overdrive with folks defending both sides.


While Tyson has been receiving backlash, he said what he said and he MEANT it: 

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During Kim's interview on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" she was asked about her sister Kylie Jenner's success and rumors that she's on her way to become a billionaire.

Mrs. West made sure to insert that her husband Kanye West is already a billionaire.

“I would say my husband is [a billionaire]. That makes me one, right?," she asked.

Wasn't it revealed Kanye was like $53 million in debt a few years ago or....

While it may have seemed like she may have been joking, she wasn't.

Sources tell The Blast that 'Ye has received several offers for investments and potential buyers of his Yeezy company. However, he hasn't decided how much, if any, he wants to part with...yet. The sources also claim that his Yeezy company with Adidas was evaluated close to being worth $1.5 billion.

Peep Kim's interview below: 

Do we believe it?


Photos: MEGA/Getty

source: theybf

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