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Basically, R. Kelly 'Couldn't Understand' The Legal Docs So That's Why He Lost Sexual Assault Case

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R. Kelly recently lost a civil case after a default judgement was entered due to him not appearing in court. Now, his lawyers are explaining why. More inside...

It's no secret R. Kelly isn't the brightest crayon in the crayon box. He admitted he couldn't read in a 2009 interview. His brother said the same thing in the "Surviving R. Kelly" documentary and Kelly also revealed to Wendy Williams he cant read or write.

So, we're not all that surprised that he didn't understand legal documents that were sent to him about his legal drama.

The "Fiesta" singer recently lost a civil case after a judge entered a default judgment for a failing to appear in court. The Chicago Sun-Times reports the court will enter an amount Kelly should pay next month.

While sitting behind bars for unpaid child support, he was served papers for a sexual assault lawsuit brought against him by a woman who claims he abused her. After he was indicted on 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, a woman named Heather Williams sued the Grammy Award winner in Cook County in February with claims that he abused her when she was 16-years-old. The assault allegedly happened when she was a minor over 20 years ago.

According to Williams' attorney - Jeffrey Deutschman - she tried to settle out of court. However, Kelly's team never responded, so they went ahead with the lawsuit. It's reported Williams tried to serve him at Trump Tower, but security wasn't letting that happen.

It's unclear how, but Williams was able to serve Kelly while he was in jail for unpaid child support. Kelly's civil attorney - Brian Nix - explains to TMZ that the embattled singer didn't understand what was written in the legal document and that he was so "overwhelmed" by his situation that he didn't understand he was set to appear in court yet again.

"R. Kelly was served while incarcerated on the child support case and he was overwhelmed by the experience of being in jail." When Kelly failed to appear for a hearing, Williams won a default judgment against the singer. [Being overwhelmed] coupled with Mr. Kelly not being cognizant of what the motion fully meant led to him missing the hearing. I had no idea he had been served."


Before the judge decides the damages next month, Kelly's lawyer wants to get the default judgement set aside so they can battle it out in court.




Kelly is out here puffing cigars in front of his Trump Tower residence, leaning on a Rolls Royce without a care in the world.

By the way, a 2-hour "Surviving R. Kelly" follow-up special is about to air to discuss its impact. Find out when it airs HERE.

Photo: AP Photo/Matt Marton

source: theybf

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