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HEARTBREAKING! 13-Year-Old Houston Girl DIES Days After She Was Involved In School Fight

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A 13-year-old Houston girl has died days after she was involved in a school fight. The heartbreaking details are inside...

In very tragic news, a 13-year-old girl has passed away this morning days after she was involved in a school fight that was caught on video.

Kashala Francis - a 7th student at Attacks Middle School - died after days on life support at Texas Children's Hospital, according to reports.

Kashala's mother - Mamie Jackson - says her daughter came home from school Thursday afternoon and told her she was physically attacked by two girls. During the off-campus brawl, Kashala said another girl jumped in and kicked her in the head. Meanwhile, other students stood around laughing and recording.

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Kashala came home with bruises on her face, but said she was OK. On Saturday, Kashala went to a relatives house and while there, she complained of having a headache. And then it got worse. While at a family member's house, Kashala appeared to get delusional at one point, but seemingly thing got back to normal. On Sunday, Kashala called her mom and complained to her mother about the painful headache and feeling weak.

"I drove over and I told her get up. I said 'Get up, Kashala.' She kept saying, 'Mama, my head hurt,' so she laid down," Jackson told ABC13.

What she didn't know at that moment was that would be the last time she saw her daughter's eyes opened. Her mother called the ambulance and by time paramedics got there she was unconscious. They rushed her to Texas Children's Hospital.

Doctors discovered a tumor in the back of her head.

"And we found out she has a large tumor in the back of her head, and she had fluid buildup in her brain," Jackson said.

The family had no clue she had a tumor before she went to the hospital. Right now, it's too early to determine if the fight contributed to Kashala's death or if it was a pre-existing condition.

The school district issued a statement addressing the fight:

"The district is aware that several Attucks Middle School students were involved in an off-campus altercation on Thursday. HISD is gathering information and cooperating with the Houston Police Department in its investigation."

No word on any arrests just yet.

Before Kashala's death, her family set up a Facebook donation page to help with her hospital expenses. If you'd like to donate, click here.

Here's a clip of her mother explaining what happened to her daughter before she passed away. WARNING! It's very triggering, so watch with caution:

We're praying for Kashala's family, friends, and classmates. No child should have to go through this. We encourage parents to start taking action and being more involved in their kids' lives - especially making sure their child isn't bullying another - so that situations like this don't continue to happen.

Last month, 10-year-old in South Carolina student Raniya Wright reportedly died after a school fight. No one was charged.   This has to STOP.

Photo: Facebook

source: theybf

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