Home » » Osundairo Brothers File Lawsuits Against Jussie Smollett's Legal Team For Defamation, Say Their Lives Were Endangered

Osundairo Brothers File Lawsuits Against Jussie Smollett's Legal Team For Defamation, Say Their Lives Were Endangered

The two brothers implicated in the Jussie Smollett "hate crime" drama is filing some lawsuits of their own. Find out why they're gunning for the actor's legal team inside...

The two Nigerian brothers - who now live in Chicago - involved in the Jussie Smollett debacle is coming after the actor's legal team for trashing their name in the public. And they claim comments made about them in the media endangered their lives and ruined their reputation. Now, they're suing for defamation and are seeking unspecified damages.

Abel and Ola Osundairo have filed a lawsuit against Smollett's attorneys Mark Geragos, his firm, and associate Tina Glandian, who represented Jussie in Chicago court. They claim Jussie's legal team tried to paint them as liars in the court of public opinion. Not only that, they believe Mark's team insinuated that one of them was gay. Since homosexual activity is illegal in their country, they say those type of accusations put their life in danger.

It's interesting.  The brothers have been making a business out of selling face masks (one of the central parts to the alleged Jussie hoax), fitness training, group workout sessions, and more.


The Blast got their hands on the lawsuit where they detail what exactly was said about them and why they're dragging the legal team to court to clear their name:

The brothers accuse the lawyers of “making public defamatory statements against Plaintiffs, which were published broadly in Illinois by major news outlets such as the Chicago Sun-Times, the Chicago Tribune, and WGN Radio. Moreover, these tortious statements involve a hoax conducted in Illinois and orchestrated by Mr. Smollett. Finally, and importantly, these statements also impacted the reputation of Plaintiffs, who are employed and live in Illinois.”

“As a result of Ms. Glandian’s comments, Plaintiffs have suffered significant emotional distress and feel unsafe and alienated in their local Chicago community. This is because Ms. Glandian, a very famous attorney, falsely and publicly stated Plaintiffs have committed a gruesome hate crime, lied under oath, and intentionally misled CPD.”

The brothers point to one instance, where Glandian went on the podcast, “Reasonable Doubt,” and insinuated that Bola and Jussie Smollett had engaged in “homosexual sex acts together.”

Osundairo is Nigerian and says that homosexual activity is illegal in his country.

“Ms. Glandian’s globally broadcasted statements that Bola Osundairo is homosexual endangers him and the lives of his Nigerian family,” the lawsuit states. In the lawsuit, the Osundairo brothers also take issue with Glandian’s appearances on “Today” and “Good Morning America,” where she made reference to them carrying out the attacks on Smollett.

They're doubling down on their story that Jussie hired him and orchestrated the "staged attacked." With all of this bad press, it's reported they have been having trouble finding work. Based on their social media accounts, it seems as if they're trying to capitalize off the case as a means to get money. We're sure that check Jussie wrote them for $3,500 has been spent already.

Peep the press conference their attorney conducted below: 

Meanwhile, the "Empire" star - who unexpectantly had all 16 charges for lying to the police dropped - has been getting in some R&R with his family in Hawaii:




While he's all smiles in that picture, he's dealing with his own legal troubles. The City of Chicago is suing him for $130,000 for the man hours they put in investigating what they call a hoax hate crime. Also, Jussie was cut from a Broadway play he auditioned for. Get those deets HERE.


Photos: Ola & Abel's IG

source: theybf

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