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This Unseasoned, Struggle Swag Surf From The NCAA Championships Has The Internet Sick

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Whew chil-lay.  They did it again.  Took something swagful and created a lite, unseasoned version of it.  Get into the swag surf that's folks are going in about, inside.

Listen, the good sis - in the bottom of the pic - was DONE.  Over it.  And for good reason.

Last night at the NCAA Championship game, the Texas Tech fans did the most, well, the least, in the crowd before their team lost to Virginia in OT.  The security guard and the couple of black folks on hand weren't here for it, though.

Watch below:

Y'all know the internet had to respond to the foolishhness being served.



So, PSA for "they."  Here's how Howard University kills this ish:

And if you really want to see it done in the most expert'd expert of ways, Beyoncé and 'em got you:


Take notes. Or a scribble or something.




source: theybf

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