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WE STAN A GENEROUS KING: Russell Wilson Gifts Seahawks Lineman With A $ Gift That Keeps On Giving

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Russell Wilson is the highest paid NFL player, and he's arguably the most generous too. Find out how he invested into the men who protect him all season inside...

Russell Wilson is giving us one more reason to love and stan for him.  Everybody aint able, but everybody should certainly strive to be able.

The Seattle Seahawks quarterback is spending some of his $140 million contract on his offensive line. The Super Bowl winning QB gifted each offensive lineman $12,000 in Amazon stock! He wanted a way to thank his offensive lineman for risking their lives each week to protect his, so he spent $156,000 in Amazon stock to split 13 ways as an appreciation gift for them and their families.

Come on, INVESTMENT gifts!

The NFL baller - who is officially the highest paid player in the league - wrote a letter to his teammates explaining why he decided to gift them a gift that keeps on giving.

"Every Sunday we go to battle together," he wrote. You sacrifice your physical and mental well-being to protect me, which in turn allows me to provide and care for my family. This does not go unnoticed and it is never forgotten."

"Now it is my turn to return the favor. I would not be where I am today without you working to be great day in and day out. When I sat down to think of ways to honor your dedication a dozen different ideas came to mind. Some were flashy, so were cool, but I wanted to give you something that had a lasting impact. Something that would affect the lives of you, your family, and your children."

The Alaska Airlines spokesman went on to say he's always thinking about life after football and once way he has been preparing is by investing. So with that lesson, he's passing on the knowledge to his teammates.

"I am gifting you and your family $12,000 worth of Amazon stock to help you achieve your dreams. You have invested in my life...this is my investment into yours. "

How cool is that? A generous king is always looking to pour blessings into his bretheren. Yusssss!  No wonder Ciara is head over heels over this man.

You can read the full letter here.

Photo: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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