Home » » 37 LIFE SENTENCES CLEARED! Brittany K. Barnett & MiAngel Cody Are The Black Lawyers Doing The Work To Free Convicts, Kim K Is Just Funding

37 LIFE SENTENCES CLEARED! Brittany K. Barnett & MiAngel Cody Are The Black Lawyers Doing The Work To Free Convicts, Kim K Is Just Funding

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Brittany K. Barnett & MiAngel Cody are two black female lawyers working hard behind-the-scenes to free non-violent offenders who have been buried alive with massive prison sentences. While Kim Kardashian West has been getting credit for her "efforts" in prison reform, these are the ladies actually putting in the work. More inside...

Last summer, Kim Kardashian West received tons of praise for helping to free great-grandmother Alice Marie Johnson from prison. She was freed after Donald Trump granted her clemency following a meeting with the reality star. 

Turns out, lawyer Brittany K. Barrnett had been working on Alice's case for years and SHE was the one responsible for Alice's release. Yes, Kim K pitched in financially, but it was the work of Brittany and her "Buried Alive Project" that set the ball in motion and eventually got Alice released from prison.

Now, Kim K is on a mission to pass the California Bar as she embarks on a mission to help free non-violent prisoners who have been given unfiar sentences. However, there's a whole team of people working behind-the-scenes and they're black women!

The "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" star has been receiving all the credit for the work done on behalf of Alice Marie Johnson and other first-time offenders. And Brittany had to set the record straight.

Black female lawyers Brittany K. Barrnett and MiAngel Cody have their own nonprofit organization called the Buried Alive Project where they are working to raise awareness and eliminate life without parole sentences for federal drug offenses. They also have a sister organization called The Decarceration Collective, which is a not-for-profit law firm and consultancy that promotes transformative criminal justice change.

The attorney duo launched a campaign called 90 Days of Freedom to help free 17 men and women from prison who have been hit with massive prison sentences. Kim K coughed up the cash to fund the efforts, while Barnett and Cody laid the groundwork to free prisoners.

After 90 days, they were able to free 17 men and women and guess who got all the credit for it? You guessed it: Kim. Brittany decided to speak out to address their hard work being overlooked by Kim's association. She hopped on Facebook to clear everything up. She talked about how she and MiAngel have been doin this work for free after walking away from their six figure salary jobs and wiped out their own savings accounts to fund the work. She said they tried to get grants from organizations and foundations, but they were unsuccessful. She said Kim stepped in financially to help and she's grateful. However, she's over the media spinning the narrative however they see fit. (We don't recall Kim using her platform to correct folks, but so be it.)

Peep her post below:

Brittany also chopped it up with TMZ about the controversy:

In total, Brittany and MiAngel have axed 37 life sentences!

"Took a few moments today to reflect on how honored we are to work side by side saving lives and linking up with some amazing people that support us along the way," Brittant wrote in a Facebook status. "Our clients trust us with their lives and that is a privilege we do not take lightly. Together we have given a total of 37 life sentences back to the feds. We are just getting started. Me and my sis/co-counsel MiAngel Cody are back in the lab planning the next project! Doing it for the CULTURE, the CAUSE, and the CODE.

Mad props to these black queens doing the actual work to advocate for prison reform!

Photo: Brittany's FB

source: theybf

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