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4 Whole Years Have Passed, And Sandra Bland's Own Video Of Her Violent Traffic Stop Before She Died Is JUST Now Being Released

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The story of Sandra Bland still doesn't sit right with most of us.  Now that a new video recording of the traffic stop before her arrest, taken from Sandra's vantage point, has been uncovered four years later, it raises even more questions about her subsequent death.  Watch inside.

In 2015, Sandra Bland was pulled over near the Texas town where she was seeking a job.  A traffic stop over "failure to signal lane change" turned violent, and she was arrested.  She died just days later by suicide, and her family refuses to believe she took her own life.

Police dash cam footage was released during the investigation of her death, and it showed an unnecessarily violent exchange between Sandra and the officer.  Many believe she had a right to refuse his requests during the traffic stop, and also believe the officer over reacted and mishandled her and the situation, which ended with him arresting her.  It raised questions if this mistreatment had anything to do with possible mistreatment once she was behind bars.

Now, video from Sandra's phone and from her vantage point has been released. Interestingly, police or the country never released this.  It was released due to the work of WFAA ABC News in Dallas, in partnership with the Investigative Network.  WFAA states Sandra's cellphone video fuels the Bland family’s suspicions that Texas officials withheld evidence in her controversial arrest and, later, her death.

In the 39-second video, Bland asks Trooper Brian Encinia, "Why am I being apprehended?" and directs her phone's camera at him. By the time she does get the camera to focus on him, Encinia is pointing a stun gun at her.

"Get out of the car. I will light you up," Encinia says.

"Wow, wow, wow. You’re doing all this for a failure to signal?" Bland asks.

You can watch the disturbing new footage below:

Sandra was pulled over by state trooper Brian Ecinia during a routine traffic stop after she had just moved to Waller County in July 2015 seeking a job at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M University. She was pulled over for allegedly failing to signal a lane change. She was taken to jail and charged with a third-degree felony charge. She was later found mysteriously hanging in her cell with a plastic garbage bag around her neck three days later. Her family still believes she would have never killed herself.

According to NBC News:

Cannon Lambert, who represented Bland's family in lawsuits against the state and county jail that were settled for almost $2 million in total, told The Associated Press he hadn't seen the clip until recently.

The video wasn't a part of evidence turned over by investigators, he said.

No charges were filed against the Trooper Ecinia, and https://theybf.com/2016/09/15/breaking-sandra-bland%E2%80%99s-family-rep... ">the family did reach a settlement of $1.9 million after a civil suit they launched against Waller County Police Department.



source: theybf

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