Home » » CAN SHE LIVE?! SZA Can't Even Cop Her Fenty Beauty Without 'Sandy Sephora' Racially Profiling Her

CAN SHE LIVE?! SZA Can't Even Cop Her Fenty Beauty Without 'Sandy Sephora' Racially Profiling Her

A black woman shopping at the Sephora in Calabasas - she must be stealing. At least, that's what "Sandy Sephora" thinks. Go inside for SZA's account of how she was racially profiled in the beauty products store inside...

It's 2019 and black people are still being racially profiled. Nothing new.

Last night, singer SZA hopped on Twitter to recount a horrible experience she had while looking to grab some new Fenty Beauty products at a Sephora in Calabasas.

The "Love Galore" singer says she had security called on her after an associate - that she dubbed "Sandy Sephora (a la Permit Patty, BBQ Becky) - assumed she was stealing. Girl...

"Lmao Sandy Sephora location 614 Calabasas called security to make sure I wasn’t stealing . We had a long talk. U have a blessed day Sandy," she tweeted.

"Can a b*tch cop her fenty in peace er whut?," she continued.

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Oh, and get this! SZA used to work for the beauty care store before she became a star. 

It didn't take long for SZA fans to retaliate. They quickly hopped online and started posting bad reviews under the Sephora store's Google page. It currently has a rating of 1.2 out of 5 stars:

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Here are some of the reviews: 

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The irony of the situation? SZA has an unreleased track titled Sephora: 




Photo: SZA's IG

source: theybf

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