Home » » CENSORED! Facebook Reportedly Bans Louis Farrakhan & Other 'Dangerous Individuals' Cited For Hate Speech - What About Trump Though?!

CENSORED! Facebook Reportedly Bans Louis Farrakhan & Other 'Dangerous Individuals' Cited For Hate Speech - What About Trump Though?!

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Facebook announced it was banning accounts of some high-profile people that they deemed as "dangerous," including Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. More inside....

So, Facebook is cracking down on censorship.

The company had been catching heat about allowing extremist content on its Facebook and Instagram platforms, so they decided to make a move.

Facebook announced plans to permanently ban right-wing personalities like Paul Nehlen, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, along with his site Infowars. Jones and his media outlet InfoWars had previously been banned from Facebook in August 2018, but had maintained a presence on Instagram. Not anymore.

Though he’s not a far-right extremist, Facebook also banned Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Facebook claims this group of high profile people consistently violates the company's terms of service and dubbed them "dangerous individuals."

"We've always banned individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless of ideology," a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement to CNN Business. "The process for evaluating potential violators is extensive and it is what led us to our decision to remove these accounts today."

The FB spokesperson told CNN Business that the company goes through an extensive process and take many things into consideration before an individual is determined to be "dangerous."

The site reports:

The Facebook spokesperson said such factors include whether the person or organization has ever called for violence against individuals based on race, ethnicity, or national origin; whether the person has been identified with a hateful ideology; whether they use hate speech or slurs in their about section on their social media profiles; and whether they have had pages or groups removed from Facebook for violating hate speech rules.

In some instances, when Facebook bans an individual or organization, it also restricts others from expressing praise or support for them on its platforms, the spokesperson said, adding that the company continues to view such action as the correct approach. That policy may not apply to any or all of the people banned Thursday, however.

The spokesperson added that Facebook will remove groups, pages and accounts created to represent the banned individuals when it knows the individual is participating in the effort.

What's interesting is that Trump is still allowed to spew his hateful and "dangerous" rhetoric on social media. Why haven't they banned his account along with these other "dangerous" people? He's the leader of the free world stirring up hate on social media on the daily, yet here we are.

We suggest Facebook also look into the videos of fights, murders, police brutality, and other disgusting visuals that convniently seem to get past all filters, while videos of a baby with a song in the background is snatched down within seconds of it being posted.  Facebook plays the "we're trying our hardest" card when it comes to getting rid of content that brings the company clicks, views and money.  If you can ban 10 other acounts you deem problematic or any post a user puts up with music or "copywritten music", you can just as easily ban the people and things that are ACTUALLY making a negative impact on our lives.

Do better.


Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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