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Wendy Williams' Estranged Husband Kevin Hunter Wants SPOUSAL SUPPORT!

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We definitely saw this coming.  Wendy Williams' estranged husband, Kevin Hunter, is coming for that spousal support coin.  Deets inside.

Since their son, Kevin Jr., is already 18, child support is seemingly out of the question, but apparently not.  Kevin Hunter still filed for child support and definitely is coming for that spousal support in new documents just filed.

Whew chile, the audacity!

After Kevin was caught allegedly cheating in pics and on camera multiple times - and reportedly welcoming a baby last month with his alleged mistress Sharina Hudson - Wendy pulled the trigger and filed for divorce after 22 years of marriage.

Kevin, though, believes he's entitled to support. 

Word has it there was no pre-nup between the couple, so we definitely expected him to try it.  And TRY he did.

According to TMZ, Kevin also wants Wendy to foot the bill for their son's college expenses. 

As for Kevin's job as Executive Producer of the "Wendy Williams Show," he was fired a few weeks ago just after being served divorce papers at work.  He was also fired as her manager and Wendy's currently in the market for a new one.

This guy....




source: theybf

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