Home » » Ex-NFL Star Marcellus Wiley Is #TeamJayZ, Criticizes 'Mixed Race' Colin Kaepernick & 'Not Black' Nessa - Now He's Getting Dragged

Ex-NFL Star Marcellus Wiley Is #TeamJayZ, Criticizes 'Mixed Race' Colin Kaepernick & 'Not Black' Nessa - Now He's Getting Dragged

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Former NFL star Marcellus Wiley is highly critical of Colin Kaepernick's protest and his girlfriend Nessa's support. He's #TeamJayZ and now he's being dragged for it. More inside...

When Jay-Z inked that new deal with the NFL it shocked the world especially since it seemed like he was SO anti-NFL after Colin Kaepernick was blackballed from the league following his peaceful protest.

Well, former NFL player Marcellus Wiley certainly has picked a side and he's #TeamJayZ. During a recent episode of FS1's "Speak For Yourself," Wiley said he believes the former 49ers quarterback doesn't know the full weight of of injustice because he's "mixed race."

"Kaepernick comes from a situation where he never felt the full weight of these injustices," he said. "This is a mixed race guy who was raised by a white family from Wisconsin to central California. Respect — that does not disqualify you from talking for us but when you make misteps and miscalculations, oh, it comes back into play."

Wiley also called out Kap for "following" in the footsteps of his girlfriend/HOT 97 personality Nessa. He also said he doesn't feel like Nessa doesn't know the full weight of racial injustice because she "is not black."

“And we all know Nessa. Respect to her and her ethnicity. But it’s not black," he said.


Check it:

Now, folks are dragging him over his comments:













Meanwhile, on the magazine front...



The activist graces the cover of PAPER magazine where he talks about advocating for the culture.

This movement needs all types of people. From athletes to healers to poets and artists to scholars and lawyers, we need everyone to contribute to the struggle."

"Empire" star Taraji P. Henson







Kap's girlfriend Nessa, his homie Eric Reid and director Ava DuVernay was also included in the spread:







The Central Park 5 are also a part of the spread.  Nice! You can read his full profile here.

Photos: Getty

source: theybf

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