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White Morning Anchor Keeps Job After Apologizing For Comparing Black Co-Anchor To A Gorilla

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To be a white woman in America.

A white Oklahoma morning anchor will reportedly keep her job after apologizing to her black co-anchor for comparing him to a gorilla. Chile. See the clip inside...

A white local news anchor in Oklahoma City will keep her job after she apologized to her black colleague for telling him he looked like a gorilla on live television.

At the end of a segment about a gorilla at the local zoo, KOCO anchor Alex Housden told her colleague James Hackett that the gorilla "kind of looks like you." Then, James hesitantly AGREES with her. Bruh. That could have been a teachable moment, but yeah.

Peep the clip below:

Following the segment, Alex issued a public apology to her co-worker.

“I’m here this morning because I want to apologize, not only to my co-anchor Jason but to our entire community,” Alex said.

“I said something yesterday that was inconsiderate, that was inappropriate, and I hurt people. And I want you to understand how much I hurt you out there and how much I hurt you.”

Yes, white tears fell

James accepted his coworker’s on-air apology.

“I want to let everybody out there to know that Alex is one of my best friends...what she said yesterday was wrong. It cut deep for me and it cut deep for a lot of you in the community...” He added, “I want this to be a teachable moment and that lesson here is that words matter...we’re becoming a more diverse country and there’s no excuse. We have to understand the stereotypes...each other’s backgrounds and the words that hurt...that cut deep and we have to find a way to replace those words with love...”

Check it:

According to Yahoo Sports, the network feels her apology is genuine and she'll keep her job. A KOCO spokesperson told the site, “We believe that Alex’s apology and Jason’s acceptance of her apology and his comments on the broader issue are sufficient.”



Photos: YouTube Screenshot

source: theybf

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