Home » » Antonio Brown Is At His First Patriots Practice Today As More Details In His Alleged Rape Case Surface

Antonio Brown Is At His First Patriots Practice Today As More Details In His Alleged Rape Case Surface

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Gymnast turned trainer Britney Taylor and Patriots baller Antonio Brown are under a microscope today as the NFL and a state's attorney begin their investigation into Britney's claims she was raped and sexually assaulted multiple times by Antonio in 2017 & 2018.  The latest, including Antonio participating in practice today, inside.


It's a classic case of he said, she said.  Britney Taylor claims certain sexual incidents with Antonio Brown were unwarranted, including an alleged incident of forcible rape.  Antonio maintains he's innocent, and says sexual contact was consensual.

Britney is asking for $75,000 in damages in her civil sexual assault lawsuit against star NFL wide receiver Antonio Brown. We've learned this is the minimum amount she had to file in order to qualify it to enter into a civil case with diversity of jurisdiction.

She has to prove beyond preponderance of the evidence - a lower bar of proof than in a criminal case - that she is entitled to said damages. Britney says she has email evidence from Antonio, a lie detector test, and people she confided in to back up the claims. 

About those emails, this is what was filed in her lawsuit, all allegedly from Antonio.  Forewarning, they are quite graphic (if you can understand what is being said):


The messages do mention the incident where Britney claims Antonio ejaculated on her back without her knowing he was masturbating near her.

None of this has stopped the Patriots from doing business as usual.  They allowed Antonio to practice with the team for the first time today.

When asked at a press conference today if the Patriots knew about these allegations before hiring him a few days ago (since Antonio's lawyer admits he and his client were expecting this type of lawsuit), Coach Bill Belichik said he won't be adding to any statement not already given.



Stephen Zappala, the District Attorney of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, also says he is looking into the allegations. Antonio played for the Steelers during the years in question, and Pittsburgh is in Zappala's district.

Brittney's attorneys wrote in her lawsuit that Brown, “comes from a highly religious and close-knit family.”

They also state, “Taylor pursued her lifelong dream of opening a gymnastics training center for predominantly African-American girls in her hometown of Memphis. She wanted to create a safe and supportive environment for young girls of color to thrive in the sport of gymnastics – something that was often missing for her when she was a young girl.”

Her attorneys added, “Taylor opened her training center in 2016. Her business grew quickly because of her knowledge of gymnastics and her devotion to her students. She even covered the cost of tuition for several students whose families were unable to afford it. After less than a year, she was training approximately 50 students and had another 200 students on her waiting list.”


The full statement from Antonio's lawyer details his side of what happened during the incidents Britney described as sexual assault and rape. Reporter Adam Schefter also revealed that she is unable to meet with the NFL until after her upcoming wedding taking place within the next few weeks.

Britney states she told the chef who also worked for Antonio Brown, her mother, and #TimesUp (she didn't name Antonio by name to the latter) about her alleged sexual assault. Antonio, through his lawyer, has detailed his side of the story.  he says she asked for over a million dollars of investment money from him for her business venture back in 2017, something he turned her down for because of her alleged outstanding tax liens. He also claims their relationship was a consensual sexual one, even though he was, in fact, in a reltionship with Chelsie Kyriss that year as well.  Chelsie even gave birth to their youngest son, Apollo, on August 1, 2017.

Mr. Brown was approached by his accuser in 2017, shortly after Mr. Brown signed a contract making him the highest paid wide receiver in the NFL. At that time, Mr. Brown was asked to invest $1.6 million dollars in the accuser’s business project.Mr. Brown was not informed by his accuser that she had just been levied with a $30,000 IRS tax lien or that $300,000 of the $1.6 million so called “investment” was to be used to purchase property already owned by the accuser and her mother.

When Mr. Brown refused to make the $1.6 million “investment,” the accuser supposedly cut off communications with Mr. Brown. However, in 2018, the accuser resurfaced and offered to travel to Pennsylvania and South Florida to train Mr. Brown for the upcoming season. Thereafter, the accuser engaged Mr. Brown in a consensual personal relationship. Any sexual interaction with Mr. Brown was entirely consensual. The accuser not only traveled to Mr. Brown’s residences on multiple occasions, she traveled from Tennessee to Florida and returned at 2 a.m. to Mr. Brown’s residence ten days after the alleged assault.

Brown's lawyer continues, alleging that Britney asked Antonio from tickets to a Steelers game and also had "consensual sex" with him after a night of partying months later:

The accuser continued communications with Mr. Brown throughout 2018, and even asked Mr. Brown for tickets to a Pittsburgh Steelers football game in the winter of 2018.Mr. Brown’s accuser has continually posted photographs of Mr. Brown on her social media in an effort to financially benefit from his celebrity.Mr. Brown, whose hard work and dedication to his craft has allowed him to rise to the top of his profession, refuses to be the victim of what he believes to be a money grab. In May 2018, Mr. Brown’s accuser invited herself to join Mr. Brown and his friends, who were patrons at Miami adult entertainment clubs. After several hours of partying, Mr. Brown and his friends called it a night.

Instead of leaving by herself, as she had arrived, and returning to her hotel, Mr. Brown’s accuser solicited Mr. Brown to join her and return to Mr. Brown’s residence where the two engaged in consensual sex. Taylor's lawyers reveal the alleged incidents have ruined her relationship with her fiance. “She knows that she is a role model for the 50 young girls that she trains. She knows that that they rely on her and that they look up to her. But since this the rape, she has substantial difficulty even going to work.”


If you are asking why Britney chose to be in his presence multiple times after the first and subsequent alleged acts, she has not yet spoken on that.

Story developing.


Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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