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Did LaVar Ball Just Call His Own Son Lonzo Ball ‘Damaged Goods’ During Another Blow Up?

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LaVar Ball starts debating with his son Lonzo Ball and delivers a low blow. Watch it go down inside…

Since we’ve learned about LaVar Ball and his three basketball playing sons he has always been the over-the-top helicopter dad. Now with their reality Facebook series, we get to see LaVar turned up times 10.

LaVar gained a lot of notoriety with his Baller Brand and those expensive sneakers, but the company is struggling. And it’s causing friction between LaVar and his son/NBA baller Lonzo Ball.

On the last episode of “Ball In The Family,” the Balls are having a discussion about the future of the brand amid reports that LaVar’s former partner Alan Foster stole millions of dollars from the family. Changing the name of the brand was mentioned, and Lonzo wasn’t opposed to it. To say LaVar hated the idea would be an understatement.

"I’m just saying, BBB is always going to be the name on the fact that it also stands for the three Ball brothers. I’m not changing that sh*t at all,” LaVar said.

Lonzo said he would consider it especially from a marketing standpoint. (We knew he was over the Big Baller Brand when he got his tattoo covered). Lonzo tried to get his business partner, Chris Rivers, to back him up, but Daddy Ball wasn’t having it. That’s when he shot a three from the petty line.

"I don't give a sh*t about his opinion. Listen to me, son. When I come out with a name and then somebody tells me to change it, that’s like me telling me to change your name,” he said. “That’s like people saying ‘Oh, hey, change Lonzo’s name to Alfonzo on the fact that he been damaged goods for the last two years.'"


Peep the clip below:



Sheesh. We wonder how long before Lonzo ends up chucking deuces at his pops…

Photo: Getty Images

source: theybf

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