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Michael Jordan Digs In His Pockets To Pledge $1 Million To Hurricane Dorian Relief Efforts, Tyler Perry & Ludacris Also Step Up

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Michael Jordan is digging deep in his pockets to help out the victims of Hurricane Dorian. Details inside…

NBA legend Michael Jordan is stepping up to give back to victims of Hurricane Dorian.

After seeing the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, MJ said he was “devastated” by the destruction the storm caused.

"I am devastated to see the destruction that Hurricane Dorian has brought to the Bahamas, where I own property and visit frequently," MJ’s rep told TMZ. "My heart goes out to everyone who is suffering and to those who have lost loved ones."

The NBA icon said he’ll be keeping a watchful eye on the relief efforts.

"As the recovery and relief efforts continue, I will be tracking the situation closely and working to identify non-profit agencies where the funds will have the most impact."

"The Bahamian people are strong and resilient and I hope that my donation will be of help as they work to recover from this catastrophic storm."

As of now, there are 50 reported deaths after the hurricane ripped through the Bahamas, however, thousands of people are still unaccounted for. Several other celebs have stepped up to help, including Tyler Perry & Ludacris.

Prayers up for everyone affected by the storm. You can help Hurricane Dorian victims by clicking here.

Photo: lev radin / Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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