Home » » SKINCARE TEAS: Winnie Harlow Gives Us Her Beauty Routine & Secret Tip For Her Vitiligo Areas

SKINCARE TEAS: Winnie Harlow Gives Us Her Beauty Routine & Secret Tip For Her Vitiligo Areas

Winnie Harlow shares a skincare tip that could help other women who struggle with vitiligo. Find out what it is inside…

It’s New York Fashion Week and all the models are invading the Big Apple to slay the runway & front row for all of the biggest names in fashion. While working the runway for New York Fashion Week is a model’s dream, it can be hell on one’s skin. So, a good skincare routine is key to keeping your skin at its best.

Model Winnie Harlow has learned a few tricks and tips to help with keeping her skin as clear as possible during NYFW. Chick even makes her own mask! Loves it.

While sharing how she prepares for an afterpaty in a clip for VOGUE, the Victoria’s Secret shared one tip she learned that helps take the redness out of her vitiligo spots.

”What I like to do is use Visine Eye Drops on the skin, on the white parts of my skin, to take the redness out," she shared.

She said her makeup artist told her to use Visine Eye Drops to keep her eyes clear, so she tried it on her skin and viola!

"I have really bad allergies so I always have Visine on me anyway. I thought if it it whitens my eyes, wouldn’t it whiten my skin? And I tried it and it does," she explained.

Who knew?

Get ready with Winne and see her complete look - including her foundation application -  below:

Photo: YouTube Screenshot

source: theybf

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