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‘The Real’ Ladies Respond To Tamar Braxton & Wendy Williams' Shade, Then Tamar Whips Out Receipts On Loni Love

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"The Real" vs. Tamar Braxton is going down...again. More inside...

Here we are, three years after Tamar Braxton’s exit from “The Real” and apparently there’s still bad blood.

Tamar Braxton appeared on “The Wendy Williams Show” (in JUST Spanx) to talk about her new transformation in life and everything she has going on. “Braxton Family Values” has been renewed for another season, she’s still madly in love with her boyfriend David Adefeso, and she says she’s about to get on this healthy eating journey to snatch her body back.

Everything is seemingly going well for Tamar since leaving the show, but would she ever go back?

“Would you ever go back to The Real?” Wendy asked the Love & War singer during their chat. “Cute show, but they need you. Just saying. And you were done dirty.”

“Here’s the thing. I don’t want to be anybody’s marketing tool this season, no shade,” Tamar said. “But, I just wish everybody well and I just feel like sometimes God has to move you out of situations before you become more toxic to yourself.”

“So, what if I was in a situation where I’m doing the Braxtons [Family Values] and it’s very stressful and then I’m doing this other show where people are being catty behind my back. What kind of person would I be right now sitting on this couch? I wouldn’t be focused, I wouldn’t be ready for my transformation, I wouldn’t be ready for my elevation and that’s where I’ve got to go. I’ve got to go up and up and up.”

Check it at the 11:30-minute mark below:

Well, Tamar's former co-workers got wind of her interview with Wendy and decided to address Wendy AND Tamar.

Loni Love first addressed Wendy’s “cute little show” comment, saying:

“First of all, thank you for calling us a ‘cute’ show. We are also an Emmy-winning show. Don’t forget that.”


Then, she responded to her former homie/co-worker Tamar:

“You are still welcome right here too and every time. It is not a big deal. Seriously, we as black women have to stick together. We as women have to stick together. It’s no pettiness. We need to have you come here so we can close the circle.” She added, “We love you, Tamar. You are a powerhouse. We know you. You know us. That’s all.”

Tamera Mowry also responded:

“I can speak for all of us here, and especially for myself. I have been in the business for over 20 years. And my reputation is not one of cattiness. And I agree with you, Loni, it’s time. It’s time for me to say this. It’s time for women of color to stop putting each other down. We already have other people doing that. More importantly, it, start uplifting each other. Loving each other.” “I’m tired of it. I’m tired of it. It’s unfair. It’s unfair. I worked hard on my character each and every freaking day. And everybody who was close to me knows that truth. What I don’t like is that out there. The falseness.”




Then, Tamar hopped on Instagram to attempt to EXPOSE Loni with text receipts from someone telling her that Loni was allegedly writing letters to have Tamar kicked off "The Real":


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She captioned, "*allegedly* in my @therealtsmadison voice... When the guilt settles .... Lonnie cut the BS!!! Thanks @wendyshow my sister, for having me!!! U may not have an Emmy YET, but the girls are SURELY watching .. anyway, back to my transformation!"

Not sure if Tamar fact checked that tea before believing or posting it, but Chile...

Photo: Tamar's IG

source: theybf

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