Home » » SHEESH! NFL Star Myles Garrett Suspended Indefinitely For At Least Remainder Of The Season, Wild Game Fight Sparks Discussion On Punishment

SHEESH! NFL Star Myles Garrett Suspended Indefinitely For At Least Remainder Of The Season, Wild Game Fight Sparks Discussion On Punishment

 photo MylesGarrettClevelandBrownsvsOaklandKKORpLVK6y9l_zpsz3lidbet.jpg

When one of the biggest stars on the Cleveland Browns snaps and goes beast mode in the worst way, it's definitely launching all the opinions and outrage. The super wild brawl between Myles Garrett & Mason Randolph and the drama around who WASN'T punished inside.


This was a whole mess.  Myles Garrett has officially been suspended indefinitely after snatching off Steelers' QB Mason Randolph's helmet - in the last 8 seconds of the game the Browns were very much winning - and attacking him on the head with it.

The instant replays were jaw dropping.  Not because we've never seen an on field fight, but to see a fight go on once a helmet came off, AND someone intentionally go at someone's head with a helmet, was atypical.  It sparked plenty of questions about what could have possibly caused Myles - the poetry-writing, typically stand up star of the league who had everybody's attention in ESPN's Body Issue - to go this far. 

What the initial instant replays showed was Myles snapping and ripping off Randolph's helmet after a sack.  Then while Myles was being held back by two Steelers and a ref, a helmet-less Randolph still went at Myles, and Myles went at his head with his helmet.

What later replays showed was a close up look at what happened at the bottom of the pile after the tackle, and before Myles ripped off his helmet.  It looks as though Mason tried to rip Myles, helmet off first, and Myles defended himself and finished the fight Mason started.

Regardless, most people are in agreement that regardless of who started it, the dangerous action of going at someone's bare head with a helmet is definitely punishable.  And with an extensive amount of punishment.  Most people didn't expect for the league to come down with an indefinite suspension, though.

People also didn't expect for Mason to seemingly get off scott-free, while he also is saying through his rep "he doesn't know yet" if he will file criminal charges.  The city of Cleveland is NOT investigating as of right now, though.

The NFL put out a statement less than 12 hours later saying two other players (who rushed the pair throwing punches, seemingly defend their QB) earned suspensions.  And both teams have been slapped with a $250,000 fee.  It's a historic punishment, for sure.

But, was it fair?  Check out Stephen A. Smith, Max Kellerman and more give their takes below.  Especially the take about the black NFL execs likely paying close attention to the perception created with this fight (involving a black player and a white QB) being on a constant loop everywhere - and the way they word their punishment.


It's tough.  We get there def needs to be harsh punishment to make it known this behavior is completely unacceptable.  But, to say the other person involved is purely a victim is - a stretch. Some folk say Mason's hand "got stuck in Myles' helmet" and he was not trying to rip it off.

That's up for interpretation.  What's not up for interpretation is him going after Myles and continuing the fight even after he was helmetless.

Bottom line, the small chance the Browns had of making it to the playoffs has likely been cancelled, and Myles isn't allowed to play in any post-season games anyway.  He will have to get approval from commissioner Goodell before returning.

Both Myles and Mason addressed the fight after the game:



Photos: Getty

source: theybf

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