Home » » Are The Grammys RIGGED?! Ousted Grammy CEO Deborah Dugan Says There’s A Racist & Sexist ‘Boy’s Club’ That Runs The Show

Are The Grammys RIGGED?! Ousted Grammy CEO Deborah Dugan Says There’s A Racist & Sexist ‘Boy’s Club’ That Runs The Show

Ousted Recording Academy CEO Deborah Dugan is spilling tea, alleging that there is a “boy’s club” that rigs the Grammys every year. And she also claims they ignored sexual harassment and supposed rape allegations against its former president. Get the deets inside…


What’s REALLY good with the Grammys?

After Grammy chief Deborah Dugan (the first female head of the National Academy of Recording Arts) was removed as CEO ten days before this year’s ceremony, she filed a gender discrimination complaint alleging there’s a “boy’s club” that rigs the awards show and protects sexual predators. Oh?

Deborah – who was placed on academic leave by the Recording Academy earlier this month - filed the gender discrimination and sexual harassment complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, alleging that the voting process is "illustrative of the boys' club mentality that exists at the Academy and amongst its Board members." She said the Recording Academy allows certain artists to sit on “secret committees” and vote on their OWN nominations.

ABC News reports:

"To make matters worse, the Board is permitted to simply add in artists for nominations who did not even make the initial 20-artist list. Naturally, the members of the 12 Board and the secret committees chose artists with whom they have personal or business relationships," the complaint reads. "This year, 30 artists that were not selected by the membership were added to the possible nomination list."

"Moreover, in an outrageous conflict of interest, the Board has selected artists who are under consideration for a nomination to sit on the committee that is voting for the category for which that have been nominated. As a result, one artist who initially ranked 18 out of 20 in the 2019 'Song of the Year' category ended up with a nomination," it continues. "This artist was actually permitted to sit on the 'Song of the Year' nomination committee. Incredibly, this artist is also represented by a member of the Board."

Are you surprised by this? If true, we now know why artists who should have been nominated for awards were never recognized.

Not only that, she claims she was sexually harassed by the academy’s outside lawyer shortly after accepting the CEO position last year.

According to Billboard, the academy said Deborah’s exit was due to her “hostile treatment of a female executive assistant." They claim she asked the group for $22 million to “leave quietly,” but they didn’t accept and now she’s talking.

Deborah also said she was never informed by the academy’s board about her predecessor, Neil Portnow, being accused of rape before he stepped down.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Dugan said she was informed by the academy’s board after she was hired “that a foreign recording artist and member of the Academy had accused Mr. Portnow of raping her following a performance that she gave at Carnegie Hall."

She also claimed that the academy’s outside counsel took her to dinner shortly after she was hired, where he allegedly complimented her appearance and tried to kiss her. The attorney called Dugan “baby,” attempted to “woo” her, and suggested that they “spend time together ... traveling to [his] many homes,” according to Dugan’s complaint.

Deborah is blasting the Recording Academy days before the 2020 Grammy Awards are set to go down this Sunday. Do you think they'll address the drama in some way during the show? What are your thoughts on the former CEO's allegations? Share your opinions in the comments!



Photos: Kathy Hutchins/Tinseltown/Shuttershock.com/Getty

source: theybf

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