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GOOGLE RECEIPTS: Everybody's Loving The Google Ad That Proves Black Folks Are The Blueprint

We all know the world looks to black culture to set the tone on....everything.  From sports to beauty to trends to music.  Even if they don't want to admit it.  Now, Google's pulling out the receipts.  Get into the now viral Black History ad inside.



Black folks are the most searched in history when it comes to music, performances and culture.  And here's the Google receipts to prove it.

The Search company dropped their first Black History Month ad during the Grammys this week, and it's already gone viral.  From BeyChella to Whitney Houston to Prince to LeBron to Serena to Rosa Parks to any and everything that is about the culture of the world - it's a black person who is the most searched in history about that subject. Basically, Google is a culture vulture's favorite tool.

Google said about the ad:

This Black History Month, we’re celebrating some of #TheMostSearched moments and individuals in America. To find them, we used U.S.-based Google Trends Data to identify Black American achievements that were searched more than any others between January 1, 2004 – when U.S. Search Data first became available – and July 1, 2019. Here’s to the history makers and all those they continue to inspire.

We already knew the vibes.  Always have.  Folks love to deny that we're the trendsetters and not give us our respect or our credit (or our money), but Google pulled out a whole video of receipts to show folks do their research to be like us and find out about us.  And you gotta love it.  Get into the powerful and historic ad above.

We are American history and the blueprint, whether folks like it or not.


Photo: JStone/Shutterstock.com


source: theybf

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