Home » » MSNBC News Anchor Alison Morris Says She Did NOT Say The N-Word On Air While Reporting On Kobe Bryant’s Death

MSNBC News Anchor Alison Morris Says She Did NOT Say The N-Word On Air While Reporting On Kobe Bryant’s Death

While reporting on the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, MSNBC news anchor Alison Morris stumbled on her words and it sounded like she said the N-word while trying to say the "Lakers." She claims she didn’t use any racial slurs on-air. Decide for yourself inside…

The world was rocked today when news of Kobe Bryant & Gianna Bryant’s deaths were reported.

MSNBC news anchor Allison Morris was reporting live and as she was trying to say the “Los Angeles Lakers,” she stumbled on her words and seemingly said the N-word. Check it:


As you can imagine, Twitter users were in a frenzy as the video went viral.

Fans started a petition on Change.org to have her fired. The petition read:

“On January 26, 2020 the world lost basketball legend & icon, Kobe Bryant. Alison Morris of MSNBC News think its ok to use a racial slur at this period of time! What she said was not Accident but on PURPOSE because she paused before she said " Los Angeles Ni***** " We need to join together to get her fired because Enough is Enough & we will not tolerate this Racist BS anymore!"

Now, she’s now speaking out.

Allison hopped on Twitter and said she “stuttered on air” and said “Nakers” rather than Lakers, combining the names of the Knicks and the Lakers. She was adamant that did not use a racist term and apologized for the confusion.

Peep her tweet below:

Glad she cleared that up, but folks are still skeptical.


Photos: Getty/ Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock

source: theybf

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