Home » » Pro Athletes & Former Teammates Express Concern For Former NBA Baller Delonte West After Alarming Videos Of Him Go Viral

Pro Athletes & Former Teammates Express Concern For Former NBA Baller Delonte West After Alarming Videos Of Him Go Viral

An alarming video of former NBA star Delonte West popped up online over the weekend and now NBA stars are sending out love & support. See the clips, plus his former teammates and others wishing him well inside…

Former NBA baller Delonte West has seemingly hit an all time low since his NBA career ended in 2012.

Over the weekend, a video of Delonte West - where he looks almost unrecognizable - popped up online where the former NBA player was seen getting beat up in the middle of a busy street in Washington, D.C. Later, he was seen handcuffed while talking to police as they tried to sort out what happened. However, Delonte – who battled bipolar disorder during his eight NBA seasons – hardly made much sense as he tried to tell law enforcement what went down. As he sat on a curb while talking to police, he kept yelling out “I don’t give a f***” and was saying he’s the president of the United States.

The clips show him getting beat up and talking to police. WARNING: It’s hard to watch:





Super sad and unfortunate. It's obvious this man needs professional help.

After the videos went viral, his former Saint Joseph's University teammate Jameer Nelson and former head coach Phil Martelli (who coached Delonte for three seasons at St. Joseph’s) posted concerns about Delonte on social media:





Other celebs who know D. West, including former NFL star Dez Bryant, also expressed concern and sent prayers his way:





During his NBA career, Delonte has played for four NBA teams after being the 24th overall pick by the Boston Celtics. You'll recall, he played alongside LeBron James in Cleveland from 2007 - 2010, up until unconfirmed rumors circulated about Delonte being involved with LeBron's mom, Gloria James.  He signed a three-year $12.7 million contract with the Cavaliers in 2008. He also played in China for a while.



This isn't the first time the former point guard has gone viral on social media after leaving the league.

Back in 2016, a fan ran into Delonte outside of a gas station, and he looked worse for wear.

The Daily Mail then ran a story about the hundreds of thousands of dollars Delonte was being sued for owing to Bank of America and more for his parents' home mortgage and credit card bills. His brother Dmitri spoke out then, denying drug use:

West's older brother Dmitri told the Mail that Delonte "is not crazy, he is not on drugs." But Dmitri acknowledged that Delonte continues to struggle with the worst effects of bipolar disorder.

"My family are trying to get him the best professional help that's out there, the best that they can afford," Dmitri said. "You can't put this down to the basketball or money. He is in a great place, he has a beautiful son, a beautiful daughter and a wife that loves him and gives him tremendous support. But sometimes he has this illness that just comes upon him. This condition is like a cancer - it can affect anyone, rich or poor, regardless of whether you are an NBA player or a football player."


At that time, the NBA and Delonte's former team owner Mark Cuban reached out to try to help:


West still has support from across the basketball community - especially St. Joe's coach Phil Martelli. A spokesperson for the Hawks' athletic program said Martelli has been in frequent contact with the West family and the NBA to see how he and the program can help, though he would prefer to keep details of those conversations private.

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban also reached out to Delonte, telling the Dallas Morning News that his team has "tried to help him so many times, you have no idea."

Last year, a picture of him seemingly homeless and on drugs hit the Internet. D. West's cousin came to his defense soon after:



We're definitely praying Delonte West gets the help he needs. This is tragic on so many levels.


Photo: Getty


source: theybf

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