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Everybody Thinks Mike Bloomberg Got Stopped, Frisked, Ethered & Dragged At His First Debate, So Who Won?

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Democratic presidential hopefuls verbally fought it out during last night’s debate in Nevada with several passionate exchanges.  And when it came to the newcomer from New York - they were ON READY.  Elizabeth Warren and the others let debate newbie Mike Bloomberg have it. More inside…

Last night’s debate in Nevada was just as entertaining as a reality show. Problematic?  Kinda.  Necessary to beat trump?  Kinda.

We knew what type of night it would be within the first 3 minutes, and by the time words like "horse faced lesbians" were thrown around, we knew ish had gone off a nice guy, PC cliff.

Democratic presidential hopefuls didn’t waste any time to fire off insults and drag one another, specifically billionaire newcomer Mike Bloomberg. And no, the over $300 million he's already spent on his campaign didn't save him.  But do debates matter for the guy who is already in the top 3 without ever gracing a stage?

The participants included Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former Vice President Joe Biden, former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

Elizabeth Warren was on a war path, slaying anyone who got in her way. Sis damn near lost her voice to get her points across. She went after Bloomberg using his billions to try and win the Democratic nomination and his treatment of women.

“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against — a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians,” Warren said. “And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”


Check it:

And because the Internet is undefeated, someone put Nas "Ether" instrumental in the background of Warren speaking and created epicness :


Aye the internet is a funny place. They put the ether beat over Warren treating Bloomberg.

Posted by Candace V Witt on Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Warren - who pointed out her name is Warren after he referred to her as "the senator to my left" - also went after Bloomberg for making sexually suggested remarks to a former employee of his and non-disclosure agreements he had women sign for sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the work place. It got spicy too. Watch below:

Bernie Sanders went after Bloomberg over supporting "stop and frisk" and why his own revolution is better to beat Trump over Bloomberg. Check it:

Pete Buttigieg went after Amy Klobuchar after she explained how "momentary forgetfulness" came over her when she forgot the name of Mexico's President during an interview.

Whoever is in Bloomberg's camp needs to be fired because he was NOT ready for last night's debate.

Sanders and Bloomberg also argued over which 78-year-old is in better cardiac health. Check it:

Peep more highlights below, including folks coming for Bloomberg's money (and him clapping back at Bernie about his own 3 mansions he has), Bloomberg attemting to buy the election, and more:

Now, Sanders feels like the Democratic candidate with the most delegates should win the party’s presidential nomination even if he or she doesn't have a majority. Meanwhile, his rivals feel like the party should let the convention play out according to rules, which will allow multiple rounds of voting if a candidate is unable to get a majority of the delegates on the first round.

Delegates are picked up through state parties and caucuses, and party rules state a candidate needs a majority to become the nominee.

We shall see...

So, who do you think won last night's debate?! One of the candidates on the stage? Trump? Or no one? o

Photo: Ron Adar/Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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