Home » » Folks Are BIG Mad At Gayle King For Pressing Lisa Leslie About Kobe Byrant’s Rape Allegations – SEE THE RUTHLESS REACTIONS

Folks Are BIG Mad At Gayle King For Pressing Lisa Leslie About Kobe Byrant’s Rape Allegations – SEE THE RUTHLESS REACTIONS

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Twitter is currently dragging Gayle King over her interview with former WNBA star Lisa Leslie where she pressed her about whether the rape allegations made against Kobe Bryant “complicates” his legacy. Watch the clip, peep the ruthless reactions and tell us your thoughts inside…

Gayle King is under fire for an interview she did this morning with former WNBA star Lisa Leslie.

During their conversation, the “CBS This Morning” co-anchor asked Lisa – who’s currently a head coach in the BIG3 league – if the 2003 rape allegations made against Kobe Bryant complicates his legacy. Following news of Kobe's tragic death in a helicopter crash, there have been journalists who have brought up his rape allegations. The criminal case was dismissed after the victim refused to testify.

Washington Post political reporter Felicia Sonmez was placed on administrative leave after she tweeted an article about the rape allegations made against Kobe hours after his death.

In the interview, Gayle asked her as woman and a WNBA player, is it complicated for her and she said no.

"It's not complicated for me at all," she said. "Even if there's a few times that we've been at a club at the same time, Kobe's not the kind of guy, never been, like, 'Lis, go get that girl, or tell her, or send her this.' I have other NBA friends that are like that. Kobe, he was never like that. I just never see – have ever seen him being the kind of person that would be – doing something to violate a woman or be aggressive in that way,” Leslie said.

Gayle told Lisa she wouldn’t see it because she was his friend. Lisa said “that’s possible,” however, she just doesn’t “believe that.”

“I’m not saying things didn’t happen. I just don’t believe that things didn’t happen with force,” Lisa said.

Gayle then asked if it’s a fair question to even talk about the rape allegations considering he’s no longer with us and the case was dismissed or is it really a part of his history.

“I think that the media should be more respectful at this time. It’s like if you had questions about it, you had many years to ask him that,” Leslie said in response to Gayle’s question. I don’t think it’s something that we should keep hanging over his legacy.”

Gayle mentioned the case never went to trial and was dismissed because the victim didn’t want to take the stand.

“I think that’s how we should leave it,” Lisa responded.

Check out the clip below:



After the interview, social media users have been coming after Gayle to criticize her journalistic skills. Folks are outraged that she would keep pressing the issue about the rape allegations with some feeling like she was trying to smear his legacy. Some folks even pointed out the fact that she hasn't publicly spoke out about her (friend?) Harvey Weinstein, who's currently on trial for the rape allegations made against him.

Peep some of the reactions below:



















So we have to ask: As a journalist, is Gayle wrong for even asking about the conversation some are having about his rape case? Or was it simply asked in the wrong way? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

Photo: lev radin/Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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